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Everyone had been working really hard on the case and they won at trial so everyone went out for drinks.

Finn and Amanda were on the dance floor dancing with nick and Alex, Elliot hadn't gotten there yet but he was on his way, Munch was invited but he didn't really like the club scene so he didn't come. Olivia and Casey were at the bar talking.    

"So Casey how do you feel about winning the big case?" Olivia asked.

"Oh pretty much the same way I always feel, happy that we put one guy behind bars but sad that there will always be more" Casey said as She smiles a little and took a shot of Whisky "So since Stabler quit the team and he and his wife have been divorced for a year are you guys gonna try it now?" Casey asked looking at Olivia

"What? try what?" Olivia asked looking confused. "You know what I mean Liv, you guys would be so cute together" Casey said as she giggled a little. "What? no, we're friends you know that" Olivia said as she tried to blow it off.

Casey rolled her eyes and smiles and then se went off to the dance floor.

Stabler got there and saw Casey walk away and he went and joined Olivia.

"Hey, how's it going?" Elliot said as he looked at Olivia and ordered a beer.

"Pretty good, we won the case, well I guess you know that since we invited you to come out with all of us" Olive said as she quickly took a drink of her beer.

"Um, are you okay? you seem really tense and weird" Elliot said.

"Yeah, I'm good" Olivia said smiling

Elliot looked at her and pushed part of her hair behind her ears and smiled "you look really nice tonight" Elliot said as he looked directly at her eyes

Olivia smiled and blushed a little "Thank you, you look nice too" She said as watched his hand move away from her hair

Later that night everyone has gotten pretty drunk besides Elliot and Olivia, they drove everyone home and then went to their own houses.

Three days later it was game night at Fins house.

Everyone had gotten there around 9:00pm. Elliot walked over to Olivia and put his hand on her hip and scooted by her to the other side of the counter. "whatcha doin?" Elliot said smiling

"Just getting some food" Olivia said and smiled at him and then walked over to the living room

Through out the night they teamed up in pairs of two. Amanda and Nick, Alex and Casey, Munch and Finn, Elliot and Olivia

Through out the night they teamed up in pairs of two. Amanda and Nick, Alex and Casey, Munch and Finn, Elliot and Olivia. They played Pictionary, charades, and Uno. At the end of their games they made up the winners, Elliot and Olivia won first place, Amanda and Nick won second, Casey and Alex won third and Finn and Much won last.

"Okay next time I want to be with someone else because whenever I'm with Finn we lose" Munch said flopping down on to the couch. "Hey its not my fault your the one who cant draw" Finn said smacking Munch up side his head.

later that night everyone was starting to leave "Whos gonna help me clean up this time?"

Fin asked knowing no one would want to stay and help. "I cant Fin I have a case tomorrow morning" Casey said as she and Alex left. "Cant, I have to pick up Zara" Nick said as he left "I would help but I don't want to" Munch said as he left "I'll stay and help Fin, Olivia, Stabler you guys can go we got it"

Amanda said while walking in to the kitchen, Elliot looked at Olivia.

Fin looked at Elliot and gave him a look, Elliot knew that look and he grabbed his and Olivia's jacket. "Yeah I think they can handle it lets go Liv" Elliot said as he and Olivia left. Outside walking to Olivia's apartment. "What was that look that Fin gave you about?" Olivia said pulling her jacket around herself. "Um, I really shouldn't be saying this cause Fin doesn't want anyone to know yet but he and Amanda are kinda.... ya know" Elliot said and looked at Olivia.

"what? Fin and Amanda?" Olivia said looking at Elliot shocked "Yeah they've been hiding it since they work together but yeah they've been dating for a few weeks" Elliot said as they walked up to the stairs and went up to her armament, they got to her door and Olivia unlocked it. "Well I'll talk to you later" Olivia said as she leaned against the door frame. "bye" Elliot said as he leaned down a little and kissed her cheek, he pulled away from her cheek and pushed some of her hair behind her ear and then walked away and went home.

A few weeks later Olivia got to the station and sat down at her desk, she looked up and saw a man standing in Cragen office.

"Whos that in his office?" Olivia asked when she looked over at Nick who was sitting across from her

"I don't know, when I got here he was already in there" Nick said looking back down at his papers

a few minute later Cragen walked out of the office with the man, Olivia looked up and her eyes widen as she saw Elliot standing with Cragen as he handed Elliot his badge and his gun.

"Hey Nick can I see you in my office please?" Cragen asked looking at Nick

Nick got up and went in to his office.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Olivia said standing up and going over to Elliot while smiling.

"I came in this morning and asked for my job back, I miss being here, I miss helping people and busting the bad guys, and I miss being your partner" Elliot said looking at Olivia

"what about Nick? hes my partner now" Olivia said looking at him

"Cragen said that I can be your partner again if its okay with Nick and you" Elliot said smiling at Olivia

"Well duh its okay with me!" Olivia said laughing

"I cant wait to work with you again detective Benson" Elliot said

"I cant wait either detective Stabler" Olivia said while laughing a little

Nick walked out and shook hands with Elliot and told Olivia he had fun working with her while Elliot was gone, Nick went over to his desk and moved his stuff to another desk and Elliot put his stuff back on his desk across from Olivia's.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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