The Immortal Eyes

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It felt gooey as slime, hot as blood and dreadful as it can be. I still walked on for myself, my friend, not knowing whether to stop, go back or carry on. Swiftly, just moving on. Following the eternal way. Thinking that time has found it's end.

All I'll hear was,"Toby, Toby,Toby, don't stop keep on moving, don't turn back. That's not how it goes."

I felt lost in time and space but I couldn't stop, no. I knew if I stopped it will be the end. As I thought to myself, I realized that everything should end but not this way. The right way.

As I carried on walking down the way, I looked up once again, for what felt like the hundredth time in the last minute. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the end of the way, that's why they called it, 'The eternal way.' There was no start to it or end.

"Toby, Toby, Toby, don't think of the way just keep on moving. Make it, for me. Make it..." I remembered my friend's last words. I had to keep moving.

My leg is bleeding and so is my head but I can't stop, if I stopped he will get me. Now I don't want that. No one wants what happened to my friend and my parents to happen to them.

I shook my head, trying to get rid of the gruesome pictures I have seen of my friend. He was close to me, we were like brothers. Inseparable.

My hair sticky and my clothes wet, but what can I do but carry on? Them eyes, the eyes that haunted me the day my mum and dad were gone. The eyes that killed them, the eyes that killed my family, friends and neighbours. The immortal eyes.

My sweet loving mum, lying in the floor, cold, emotionless. My dad next to her, frozen. Oh but that's nothing compared to what my friend went through, my poor friend. I wondered what he must have felt like, knowing he was going to die. That he was next.

Now I knew to not think about what he felt because now I am going through what he went through. However, the only difference is that I am trying to survive, trying to live up to my words to my friend.

"I will do it for you, for my parents and for everyone, I promise. I will make the immortal eyes, mortal."

There was only one way to end the eyes, that one way could result on saving the rest of them, the rest of us. However, it could also go wrong and end in a brutal way, for me of course.

It's cold and dark but I can't stop, I shall find the Immortal eyes.

Walking along the dark, wet path, I noticed it. The what they called,'The dark immortal forest.' It was known as the immortal eyes' liar.

I hesitated but then made my way to the forest. This needs to end. Now.

As soon as I stepped in the forest, I felt a sudden breeze hit my face. I closed my eyes and started to pray.

God please, I need help. I need to kill 'The Immortal eyes', please let me kill it. I promise I'll pray and never do anything bad again. I'll feed the poor, I'll do anything. Please all I want to do is to kill it. I'll die after, I'll do anything! Please!

"Where are you? Come out. I know you're in here." I said, addressing the devil himself.

"I thought you decided not to come, I guess I am wrong." he said, he's voice was far. I looked around the forest, no one was there.

The darkness had made the trees look darker than they usually are but now that I know he is there, I closed my eyes.

"Come and talk to me."

"I am right here." He said and now I could hear he's voice closer now, way too close. I shoved my hand in my left jeans pocket, to make sure the knife was there. The knife my friend gave me, the only knife that can kill him.

"I see you're afraid I'd kill you, closing your eyes pretty clever, but not clever enough." His voice was so close, now and I knew he could see me.

"I'll kill you, you deserve to die. You killed my family, my friend." My voice sounded extremely calm, which scared me.

"I am sorry, I've changed." He said, the voice now sounded apologetic.

"Don't, just don't!" I said, my voice far from calm now,"you might have tricked the others, but I know you. I know you won't change. You can't change."

"You know me, better than I thought you knew me. I just wanted you to know that your mum was screaming for me to kill her, instead of killing your dad. Begging me to spare him."

"Stop! Stop! You're a monster, a freaking monster." I shouted. I couldn't take this anymore.

"A monster that took away everything you had. Pitiful." He said, with a hint of sarcasm.

"That's it. You will meet your doom!" I said, in a threatening voice.

"How do you plan to kill me without opening your eyes?"

"I don't, I'll open my eyes, and kill you. If you're dead than I have completed everything. My only goal." I said, my eyes still closed. Although, they started to sting now. I hate not seeing what's in front of me. What I have to see. I hate it when my eyes are closed.

"Oh so you were planning to die all along, ey? At least you know you're end," he said with a hint of amusment.

"You should know yours too," I said. I put my head down, facing my shoes and opened my eyes. My muddy, black shoes. I slowly, keeping my head down, looked at the ground and located his feet. The red shoes that I heard so many rumors about, laied there staring back at me. I knew it would be save to slowly lift my head up to see what he was wearing.

The same black cloak, that I heard so many what I thought were rumors.

"Do you like what you see? Was I what you expected me to be Toby? It's funny how you can't look at my face."

I ignored that and digged deeper in my left pocket, finding the knife. I stepped closer to him.

"Do you really want to kill me now? How long has it been since you wanted to kill me Toby? Seven or eight years?"

"It has been nine years, actually." I said in a rough voice.

"It's nice to know you've been counting." He said, as I stood now, right in front of him. I could smell the sick, yet the sweet smell of blood. I took out the knife and held it up. Close to him now. Too close, for his liking , not mine.

"Go on, then do it," he said, challenging me.

"This is for everyone you ever hurt! For my parents, for Joe!" I said, as I lowered the knife to his chest. The blood was oozing out, smelt sweet, too sweet. As I made sure the knife was in. I looked up, not to look at his eyes, I looked at his hair. The brown hair that reaches his shoulders, his facial features, almost beautiful. They say it's what gets the women.

And finally, my eyes met his mortifying, red ones. Now, I knew this was both of our ends. I did it. Mum, I did it, I did it for you dad, for you Joe. I shall now join you.










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