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The sound of the front door to your apartment being opened was what drew you out of your daze, and you raised your head from where your face had been implanted firmly in the armrest of your sofa in time to see your mate enter.

"Evening Deucalion." You commented casually, not moving, as he closed the door quietly behind him. You were a little surprised that he was here, actually, seeing as he had said you wouldn't be seeing him for a few days. You supposed it was safer to come see you than he had thought it would be, even given his overprotective nature.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Your lover teased, clearly able to tell that you had spent the majority of your day forging an in-depth imprint of your face in your sofa out of boredom. You sat up as he approached, watching as he perched on the armrest that had until just recently served as your pillow. But you perked up a little as you caught the scent of your favourite sweet shop all over him.

"Deucalionnnn..." You purred as you hopped up onto his lap, lightly touching your lips to his. "Do you have something for me?" You asked him hopefully, your fingers trailing over his lips and his jawline playfully.

"...No." Your mate answered you bluntly, straight-faced though you could hear the underlying amusement in his voice. "Is there any reason I would?"

Despite his words, that was definitely the scent of [fave sweet store] all over him. You pouted at him, and he chuckled as you plucked at his coat and started digging through his pockets in search of your prize. There were the keys to his penthouse, the key you'd given him to your own apartment, his phone, some spare change, a small pocket knife... You let out a whine as you came up empty and moved your attention to his jeans, finding his wallet in his front pocket and nothing else, but unable to resist the temptation to squeeze his bum while you had your hands in his back pockets. Deucalion laughed as you did so, and you slumped over him, dropping your head on his shoulder in defeat and snuggling your face into his neck. You kept your hands in his back pockets though, to make yourself feel a little better.

"You really didn't get me anything?" You asked him as he wrapped his right arm around you, leaving his left arm dangling off the sofa, holding it still in a way that made you a little concerned. "What's wrong with your arm?" You asked him anxiously.

"Nothing at all." Your mate said a little too quickly, pulling you back against his chest suddenly enough that you let out a loud yelp and wrapping his legs around your waist to keep you there. "And no, I really didn't get you anything." He was laughing as he spoke this time, and you frowned, looking up at him suspiciously.

"There's no way you didn't." You protested in a whiny voice, pawing at his shoulder as you rubbed your nose against his hopefully. "Deuciiiieeeee..." His amusement turned into a half-hearted scowl at the nickname as he ran his hand up and down your lower back in a way that made your [s/t] skin tingle pleasantly.

"Well clearly you don;t know me as well as you thought." Deucalion grinned wolfishly at you and you huffed, bopping him on the head lightly as a sign of your frustration.

"You smell of [fave sweet store], Deucie." You told him sweetly, but you knew he could make out the underlying dark tones in your voice. You could be just as scary as him when you wanted to be, and he knew so all too well. "Are you sure you have nothing for me?"

Deucalion was able to keep a straight face for all of about half a minute before he burst out laughing, and you heard crinkling as he pulled up his left arm, digging out a crumpled bag of [fave sweets] from his sleeve and holding it above your head playfully.

"Would this be what you're looking for?" He asked you as you instantly perked up, and he dropped the bag into your lap. You smiled widely and leaned forward to press your lips against his, having the kiss deepen more this time around as a sign of your gratitude.

"Thank you." You told him as you nuzzled him, enjoying as you were enveloped by his scent. You carefully rolled off of him and back onto your sofa and he carefully slid down onto the seat beside you, wrapping an arm around you to pull you close, and you snuggled up to his chest.

He would have to leave again soon enough. Back to his alpha pack, away from you in the hopes that he could keep you hidden from his enemies. You were an alpha too, and more than capable of taking care of yourself, but the risk of one of you being used against the other because of your relationship wasn't one your mate was comfortable taking unless he absolutely had to. For now, though, you had your beloved there by your side, cuddled into his side happily. For now he was yours, and you had no intention of wasting what little time you had with him. You enjoyed the feel of his fingers trailing soothingly through your hair as you tilted your head back against him, smiling up at him before shifting so that you could press your lips to his once more. He reciprocated eagerly, and you could feel him smiling.

"I love you." You told him softly, reaching up to twirl a few strands of his hair around your fingers.

"I love you too, _____." The fondness was clear in Deucalion's voice as he nestled his face into your neck. You smiled warmly as you made yourself comfortable against him, wishing you lived in a world where he could be able to be there when you woke up in the morning.

Deucalion X Male!Werewolf!Reader ~ CandymanWhere stories live. Discover now