A normal day.

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Dan had just finished filming a video for tuesday and as he swiched his camara off he turned to exit his room he got a weard fealing as if he was being watched. "Huh" said dan nerviously he swiched of his light and closed his door ne ran downstairs and shoted for mr phillipe but he was nowaire he got really consearnd and ran to the livingroom. nothing.he then tried the kitchen he enteard and looked at the table he wasent thair either. Je fealt a small tap on his sholder. He turned around expecting to see fills ocene blue eyes instead he was met by his creepy fucking robert pattingson mask he jumped back but because he was only in his socks he fell backwards and hit his head off the counter he had blacked out the last thing he saw was phill taking the mask off and running towards dan .


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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