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Alisha's POV

I take my place at the Thunderbird table, beside my best friend, Kendall.

"What took you so long?" Kendall complains.

"Well, me plus getting ready equals not quick!" I giggle. She smiles.

I've adapted to some Legilimency from my grand-aunt, Queenie, since day one, so the main times I use it are when I feel like I can tell what people are going to say to me.

"Stop saying I look like my granddad!" I laugh, reading her mind.

"Stop using Legilimency on me!" She mimics.

"Fine!" I groan.

Suddenly, our headmaster, Professor Fontaine, stood up, tapping on his glass for silence.

"As you should all know, this year I am very proud to say, Ilvermorny School has been chosen to host the Triwizard Tournament!"

An eruption of cheers came from all corners of the room.

"And I am pleased to inform you that we have two schools coming to stay with us this year! Each school brought all of their pupils from 1st-7th year! So please, make these schools feel welcomed!" More cheers erupted.

"Now, I want you to welcome the pupils of Durmstrang Institute with their headmaster, Igor Karkaroff!"

A whole two line of men came in with walking sticks, doing dance moves and blowing fire. There was a loud cheer. There was an even louder cheer when we saw the worlds best Quidditch player, Victor Krum, come following them with their headmaster.

"Now please give a warm welcome for the pupils of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and their headmaster, Albus Dumbledore!"

My heart was racing. I saw the pupils walking in with pride in their stride and then I saw my brother. His eyes were darting around the room. We made eye contact and I smiled and waved at him. He waved back. The boy beside him was a tall ginger who looked slightly embarrassed to be walking in front of what looked to me as a bully.

I recognised that boy instantly, white hair, posh robes and a smug little smirk on his face.

A Malfoy.

I looked further along the line and noticed a black haired boy who I recognised somehow.

Then it hit me.

The boy who lived.

Harry Potter!

"Oh my lord! It's Harry Potter!" I exclaim.

"Harry who-ha?" Kendall looks at me confused.

"You're kidding me right? The boy who lived? His parents were killed by some evil guy who has took Gellert Grindelwald's place for being the nose evil person on earth?" I exclaim, again.

"The only person who I knew in that sentence was Grindelwald." Kendall says, flatly.

"Speaking of Grindelwald, that man there," I point to Albus Dumbledore, "dissarmed him and now has the elder wand."

"Whoa! Cool!" Kendall says, nor intrigued.

"Hold on! I've told you that my grandparents duelled against Grindelwald and you never said they were cool!" I narrow my eyebrows at her.

"I've met your grandparents! They're beyond cool!" She smiles.

"Now, everyone, choose where you want to sit and let the feast begin!" Fontaine announced.

Of course, Rolf bounded over towards me with the ginger bloke.

"Alisha! Squishy!" He smiled, hugging me tightly.

"Rolf! Squashy!" I hug him back and he sits with the ginger boy beside me.

"This is Ron, by the way! Ron Weasley!"

I smile at Ron and shake his hand. "I'm Alisha!"

And who has to sit in front of me? Malfoy!

"Ah! Another Scamander! I'm surprised you even go to this lump of a school!" The boy snarls.

"I'm surprised you had the guts to say that!" I scoff, digging into my roast potatoes and peas.

"I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy." He smirks.

"Oh. So you are a Malfoy!" I roll my eyes at him. "Alisha. Alisha Scamander. I could smell it off you."

"Smell what off me?"

"That you're a Malfoy. Bad blood and all." I reply.

"And I don't suppose you're a mudblood." Draco snarls.

"A what?" I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"Phft! She doesn't know what a mudblood is!" Draco laughs.

I hear a whisper in my ear: "No-maj!"

"Oh no! I'm not a no-maj!" I respond.

"A what?" He asks, scrunching up his nose.

"Ha! You don't know what a no-maj is! I guess we both don't understand each others language! Have a taste of your own medicine." I scoff.

"Good one, Alisha!" I hear Ron laugh.

I raise and eyebrow then smirk at Malfoy.

"I have a feeling there's gonna be a lot of fun this year." I laugh.

*after dinner*

"All Durmstrang and Hogwarts fourth years go to the Thunderbird common room please!" Fontaine instructed.

I mentally groaned. More of Malfoy.



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Bye- K!!

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