Work 1:Art.

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"Miss Adeline May, She took his breath away. The darkest of days."

" Miss Adeline!" Said the teacher loudly.

The sleepy girl opened her eyes, and found Ms. Ekheart standing in front of her. Adeline had always fallen asleep in school, she found the lessons boring, and thought they were useless. Adeline had wanted to be something great by the time she was 17. She didn't wanna be stuck in a public school with no chances to leave.

"What do you have to say for your self Miss Adeline?" Ms. Ekheart said, for maybe the 5th time this week.

"I have to say, that this is one of the most boring classes, and I have to take computer. Shouldn't english be teaching us culture, be teaching us about Shakespeare, maybe? Maybe teach us something that's worth learning about." And with that Miss Adeline got up from her desk and walked out the door. She could hear Ms. Ekheart scream down the hallway, but she kept walking.

Adeline walked into the band room, where her favorite teacher sit in his office, listening to some new album, from some new musical, that Adeline wanted to see. His name was Mr. Ulrich, he was about 25 or so, straight from college. Adeline always came to him to talk. He had a beautiful voice, and Adie agreed that if she could fall asleep to his voice every-night she would. He talked about art, and music. Everything Adie had been into since she was a little girl. Mr. U's first name was Abe, and Adie was aloud to call him it behind closed doors.

"So Abe, what's new for me? How about and album? a movie?"

"Adie, why are you here? Don't you have English this period? Oh, wait, let me guess... You ran out because there is absolutely no culture, or any hint of art in that class, stop me if I am right on the ball with this one..."

Adie blurted out, "Correct, my good man, correct indeed, Abe, have you ever heard of a English class without art? It's absolutely asinine isn't it?"

Mr. Ulri... I mean Abe chuckled, "Asinine for sure Adie, how about we watch Rocky Horror, and I excuse you from a few of your classes?"

"I am all in." Adie smiled. Now Adie knew that Abe had a wife, Alexandra. But Adie was for sure that Abe and her would be together one day, whether in life, or in heaven, maybe even hell. She couldn't decide which she'd prefer. Abe was everything she was and more. They had a connection, and they both knew it. Abe was very afraid of this, and he tried to distance himself, but Adie kept coming back, and she would never see it through. She would never let him touch her, not even to shake her hand. Because she wanted their first touch to be a kiss, and a kiss of true love can't be wrong.

But as Abe knew Adie was a minor, a minor until December the fifth, and at that moment he realized that the day was the fourth. Miss Adeline May, would be 18 in the next day. And Abe knew better then to be thinking of his student in such ways, but he knew they would fall in love one day. He just knew it the moment she came in through the door. All of his 'I love you's' he ever said to his Alexandra, dispersed as Miss Adeline May walk into his eyesight.

Life for Miss Adeline May was looking up, her favorite teacher always locked the door behind her. She was fine with this, because since the 5th of December, he had loved her. He had loved her over and over again, door locked, movie on. No one suspected a thing. Except for Alexandra.

Miss Alexandra had a hard time, when her husband got out of college he asked for her hand. She was delighted. She thought for once in her life, she would find happiness. Living in a small town with not many people, and then getting to college, finding the man that you are gonna marry. Alexandra was ecstatic. Then Abe got a job in the same small town Alexandra grew up in, and everything went down, Abe was saying Adie in his sleep. Alexandra hated Adie, and she always will.

The moment Abe saw Adie, he felt his stomach sink.

Abe saw Adie on his kitchen table, hands tied down, Alexandra over her, knife in hand. Adie screamed for Abe, but Abe couldn't save her now. He knew this would happen, and for some reason, he didn't say anything. He couldn't. The betrayal, the family, the hurt, the divorce. He had created a monster in his simple band teacher of a life.

Alexandra plunged the knife into Miss Adeline May's stomach, and as Alexandra cried, she broke down, and said she was sorry. She cried, and plunged the knife in again. Adie screamed, but then the screams turned into quite sobs. For the sisters both gave their hearts to the same man, the man who was in love with art. Maybe he thought the tragedy and pleasure were the most artistic combination.

Abe stood there watching the sisters cry, and mourn for each other. But Adie didn't know she was mourning just quite yet, she wouldn't see Alexandra pass on. She would have bled out by then. But as Alexandra stood over her baby sister, crying for herself and letting her jealousy get the best of her. He shot her twice in the head. And that my dear children, is what he called art.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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