Chapter one

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Reagan POV

It was 9:12 p.m when my mom asked me to run to the gas station to get some candy for her. She was too lazy to get up off her butt and go herself. My mom JoAnna can be a pain,but I love her and her personality as a whole. My Dad works night at Prison for the government. He is smart and very handsome. My parents met in high school and married after they finished high school. My mom had me at 28 years old and had a pretty good job to back her up, along with my dad; who was in the army at that point in time. 

I was walking to my car when Anivia walked out to see what I was doing"Hey An, what's up?" I ask as I was walking closer to her part of the yard.

"Nothing, can I come over after you get back? Parents are fighting again."

"Sure give me about 30 minutes and I'll be back." I waved as I walked back to my car. "The door is unlocked so just wait in my room or hang out with mom."

"Got it, thanks Reagan." She said running back into her house. I looked down at what I was wearing, a Green and black leather jacket and skinny jeans and combat books. My hair strawberry was pulled back into a messy bun. I didn't wear makeup today at school so my face was natural, light freckles along my nose in a line.

I opened the car door and pulled myself into it. My car I got for my 17 birthday last year was a 2009 Jeep Wrangler in dark green color. I turned on the engine and pulled out of the drive way, Making sure no passing cars were coming.

It took about 10 minutes to get to 7/Eleven, I pulled into the brightly lite parking lot. There were two other cars parked and one at the gas pump. The one furthest away from was a crimson red 1967 Impala. A nice car if you ask me. I kinda wonder who would drive such a cool car to a gas station at this time of night. The image of the car reminded me of the main characters in 'SuperNatural'. Unlike their car being black this person liked being noticed with dark crimson color.

The gas station was normal, not many people only about three or so looking around. Wolly was working the night shift like normal. A nice kid who's in the college up the street. The only other girl inside was buying cigarettes at the front, A old man looking at lottery tickets. The last one was toward the back at the hot chocolate maker. Blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a sweatshirt that's labeled "1967". He must be the one driving the Impala after all. I decided to make small talk with him just to break the awkward silence.

"I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing that 1967 Impala is yours? Nice color if you ask me." I turned and smiled to him. He looked shocked that I knew that. Geez I know I'm bically a blonde but still, I feel bipolar sometimes.

"Yeah it is. It was surprising you knew that."

"I knew it  because I saw 1967 labeled on you shirt,so I kinda figured it out." I paused as he turned to me. He was standing straight up now, he was about 6'3 at the most. His eyes were pretty and with the light shining off of them they looked that the ocean.

"A girl like you, knowing cars like that is impressive. What else gave it away besides my shirt?" He was full on smirking now.

"Well the lady at just walked out is the one at the pump and the older man drives the small chevy parked at the front. So I assumed it was you, plus neither would drive a car of that color at this time of night. And their dole clothes blend better with the cars they drive."

Mason POV

Looking down at the girl that was profiling everyone in here, she was younger than me because of how she dressed and how she talked. Her dad must of taught her about cars, and that was something I personally see in a girl. But since she was younger I had to stop myself from flirting with her. If it was anyone else I would of immediately.

I don't want to come off as a perverted guy, so I kept the conversation on the low. "Amazing that you can put two things like that together."

"It's not that hard to, maybe just try and you can do it too." She grabbed her candy and drink and walked up front. She paid and walked out. She probably thought our conversion was over. I paid for mine and I left the store, she stopped and looked down at her phone.

Thinking to myself, it wouldn't to see her again. But for all I know she could be mass murderer. Sigh I need to start watching TV. "The Library, I've seen you there. Stop bye tomorrow if you want to finished our friendly chat."

She turned and waved "I just might, I need something new to read anyways." I got into her car and drove out of the parking lot and down the street.

"I gotta get home or I'm going to miss the NCIS marathon." i spoke to myself, "My cat must be missing, then again Daisy hates everyone and everything."

(Hope you like this. This is my first Wattpad story, so sorry about the lack of intelligence.Anyways I hope you like it.)

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