Chapter 1

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"The world runs on love, Cari."

"That is not true and you know it, Eliza." Love, love , love. It's all anyone talks about nowadays. Cari doesn't see what's so special about it. No, she has never had her heartbroken because she doesn't believe in love. That's always what people think when she tells them her opinion on the subject. They look at her with pity for an event that didn't even occur. "If you're always thinking about love, how are you supposed to be successful?" Cari had dreams. Big dreams. She knew "love" has kept people from reaching their dreams and she is not going to let that happen.

"Being successful means nothing if you have no one to share it with," Eliza explained.

"I don't have to be in love to have people to share my success with. I have my family. Better than that, I have you." Cari smiled cheekily at her best friend who just pushed her in response while shaking her head. "Besides, love is all talk. I know you see how often people talk about how in love they are with someone that they break up with a week later. Let's not even talk about cheaters and divorce. I don't need that useless drama in my life when I have a life plan."

"Yeah, yeah. You sure love your pessimism. You do know there are people who are happily in love," Eliza explained for the umpteenth time.

"Denial. False hope. We've been over this and that's not going to be me. No boy is going to screw me over." Eliza just rolled her eyes. "Come on, the shop is right here." Cari grabbed her friends arm and pulled her into the thrift store. Since middle school, Cari and Eliza would make a trip to a little thrift shop down the road from Eliza's house weekly called Thriftness.  This tradition has lasted all the way to senior year so the workers know Cari and Eliza and vice versa. Except, this time was different. When Cari entered the shop she couldn't help but to notice that there was someone at the register she had never seen before. "Huh, since when was Thriftness hiring?"

"What?" Eliza said, turning her head in the same direction of Cari's. "Oh! That is weird. The staff hasn't changed since 6th grade."

"Exactly." Cari shook her head. "Whatever, I just want to pick up a cute new outfit and then get some frozen yogurt." Eliza nodded in agreement and walked further into the store.

Eventually the two teens make their way to check out. The new cashier's nametag read Alice.

After Alice told them their total, Eliza decided to start a conversation. "Are you new to town? And how did you get a job here? I've never heard of Thriftness hiring." Eliza has always been almost  too friendly and this was just another one of those times, much to Cari's dismay.

"Uh, yeah. I just moved here last week. My uncle owns the store and he thought it would be good for me to have a job," Alice said hesitantly with a surprising English accent.

"Oh, that's cool. Well, I'm Eliza and this is my best friend Cari. We could show you around sometime if you'd like."

"I think I might like that," Alice decided, looking  at Cari. Cari waved slightly. "Here, let me write my number on your receipt and you can both text me or make a group chat or something." After she wrote her number, Alice handed the receipt over to Cari.

"I'll text you when Cari and I get back to my house."

"Cool." The friends waved to Alice as the left the store.

"She was so checking you out, Cari," Eliza mentioned.

"Just because she looked at me more than she looked at you doesn't mean she was checking me out."

"Maybe not, but her staring at you as she said 'I might like that' and the fact she gave you the receipt with her number on it does."

"She had to give it to one of us," Cari explained.

"And you say that people in love are in denial," Eliza laughed, causing Cari to give her friend the middle finger. "Text her so she has your number, the number she wants most."

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up." Cari quickly pulled out her phone and created a new contact for Alice.

         To: Alice(Thriftness)

Hey, this is Cari. I'm gonna make a group chat with us and Eliza, but thought you should have my number first so you know who is who.

"Texted her and I am now making a group chat with all of us," Cari informed her ginger friend.

      To: Alice(Thriftness), E<3

We can plan in here when everyone is free and stuff.

"There. Happy now?"

"Yep." Eliza smiled and put her arm around the brunette girl. The two girls continue to make their way to the frozen yogurt shop, Frozone. After they both bought their usual yogurt can toppings, the girls head back to Eliza's house to get ready for their night in.

     From: Alice(Thriftness)

That was a good idea. Thanks. Can't wait to get to know you better.

"Who texted you?" Eliza looked over to Cari when she heard the phone go off.

"It was just, um Alice replying to me from early," Cari stuttered, blushing slightly.

"Weird. She didn't reply to the group chat." Eliza looked over at Cari with a smug look. Cari could tell what her best friend was implying, but just chose to ignore it. This was something Eliza did often. Anytime Cari makes a new friend, Eliza tries to push her to make a move.  It's almost as if Eliza cared more for Cari's love life than her own. Eliza didn't date often either, but she always told Cari it was because she was waiting for "the one". Which Cari thought was bullshit. To her, the idea that there is one person in the world that is perfect for one other specific person is such a ridiculous concept. That's just not how the world works. Eliza tried explaining to Cari that just because it doesn't make sense, doesn't make it true yet she refused to believe it.

"Okay, matchmaker. You know, I'm not oblivious," Cari said seriously.

"Yeah? Well, you could've fooled me. This girl is clearly interested. "

"I meant that I'm not oblivious to what you are trying to do. You know that I am not at all interested in dating."

"I know, I know. A girl can dream that her best friend will find love."

"I have found platonic love with you and love with my family. I don't need to fall in love because there is no point. None of it is real. People just get this idea in their heads that they need a purpose in life and when they can't find anything else, they turn to this idea of falling love and having someone who 'needs' them. My purpose in life is living. That's what life is about, not love."

"Living isn't as fun alone. You can't go through life alone forever. I hope you see that soon so you can actually start living."

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