Shape of You

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Since I've started this ''break'' from music, social media and especially the spotlight, my morning routines are always different. I've spent few months traveling with few close friends, alone (or with my brother, since Austin is overprotective), exploring new cultures and countries, something I wasn't able to do when my face used to be splashed on trashy magazines with trashy articles about my love life.
My last post on social media has been my coming out and a goodbye to all of this madness, and I'm thankful I've done it this way. Now after a year and half it's like they've completely forgotten about me, and wandering unbothered around Central Park is a mystical experience I didn't know I could enjoy so much. Don't get me wrong, I've loved Singapore, India, South Africa, and Japan, but New York has always had a special place in my heart, and always will.
As soon as I come back to my apartment (a new one since the penthouse in Tribeca is still a hotspot for paps after all this time), my phone starts ringing, showing one of my travel buddies' ID.
''Teddy! How are you? Back in the UK?''
''Actually no, I'm not in Suffolk yet. I'm still in New York because a blonde British model literally tackled me before I got to the airport and told me we need to go out tonight. She's threatening me to convince you to join us and, T, I might be scared of this monkey.'' Ed says, and as I hear Cara in the background I crack up even more.
''Tell her it's fine by me, but no more clubs. Tonight I don't want her to find a lover for me, what about a quiet bar instead?''
''Girl I disagree for the lover part, but we'll pick you up at 8pm. Later, love ya.'' Cara replies and hangs up in my face, not surprising me a bit.
At 8, indeed, my two favorite Brits are waiting for me in a uber, and they don't want tell me our destination. I swear these two will be the end of me, but without them I don't know what I would have done.

The place is AMAZING, it's cozy and vintage, but without giving a 'too old' vibe. It's not crowded and I'm glad for that. Even if I'm not on the daily gossip news anymore (or until I'll release new music) I like to enjoy a night out with my best friends, without paps and people shouting at me not so nice words. This bar is already one of my favorites since it has both a pool and a jukebox, but first thing first we decide to sit at a table doing shots and shit talk about anything.

"Remember when we almost got arrested in Mumbai because you idiots wanted to swing from a chandelier to another in that restaurant? God I still don't know what they put into that hookah that night, but you were a show.'' Cara laughs remembering one of our adventures around the world, even though she did way worse when I was the sober one. But these stories aren't made for a public place in Brooklyn.
Just when I go to the barman asking for few more shots I feel a light tap on my shoulder, and as I turn around I'm welcomed by a pair of green eyes, that the green jade I saw in New Zealand can't compete with.
I'm sure I've already seen this tall beauty around, but the alcohol in my system doesn't help me.
''Hey, I saw you at the table with Ed Sheeran and Cara. I know everyone in the fashion industry, but I'm sure I haven't seen you around at fashion weeks. I'm Karlie Kloss.''
Karlie. I remember now. She's confident, I like it. But wait, doesn't she recognize me? Must be the new hairstyle and brighter blonde I got in Europe two months ago.
''You haven't seen me because I was usually on the front row admiring you and your walk, I'm Taylor Swift.''
I still have a game, and we need to play it both. As I shake her hand, I see the look on her face, which tells me she does recognize me now.
''Well, I can say this is my lucky night. THE Taylor Swift is back between us. Come with me.''
Karlie takes my hand and stops in front of the jukebox, then she starts picking out a song and I swear I've never seen anyone cuter.
''Since you think I'm so cute, dance with me.''
Jesus, did I really say it out loud? I don't think about it much, since I'm now captivated by her moves and by the song.
Sweet Thing.
''Are you kidding me? How do you know this song? I thought I was the only girl in the world who still listens to Van The Man.'' I ask as we start to dance, singing the lyrics too.
''That makes two of us, now let's not talk too much, girl.'' And like that she comes closer, still following my lead.

The next morning I wake up naked in my bed, with the sound of my shower going off, and the panick vanishes after two seconds as I remember what happened few hours ago, replaced by a sense of enchantment.

The night started good, with my best friends (who didn't bother to take pictures of the two of us on the dance floor) and a couple of shots, but when Karlie put her hands on my waist I thought I was going crazy. In a good way of course. Little did I know that was just the beginning of a life changing experience. We kept dancing for another hour, we drank, and God knows how we ended up tangled up naked all night on my bedsheets, that still smells like her.

My thoughts are interrupted by Karlie, who goes out of the bathroom with damp hair and a TOO SHORT towel for her.
''Hey, goodmoring. I hope you don't mind I took a shower, but I need to go to work and I don't have time to go back at my place.''
'', don't worry.'' My face must be crimson, because she smirks and leans to kiss me, teasing me with a visual of her cleavage.
And now I'm the one who needs a shower. A cold one.
''If you want to eat I have plenty of fruit and cereals, I guess that's what you eat to have a shape like that, other than work out at every hour, I can imagine.''
She laughs but declines because she's running out of time, but I can see in her eyes that she doesn't want to leave. So I make my move, hoping for a good outcome.
''Or...we can have dinner another time together, so you don't have to worry about being late.'' I ask shyly to the same girl I shared the night with.
''It's a date.'' Karlie answers with a big smile, then pecks me on the lips before leaving, and I swear I fall more for her.

A week later I'm getting ready for our official first date. We still don't know where are we going but I told Karlie to come by and then we'll figure out something. As I finish to put my heels on the doorbell rings, so I go to the door and, after I open it, I have to pick up my jaw from the floor. She laughs, then hugs me tight, instead of messing up my make up so soon.
''I don't know about you, but I'm not much for a classic dinner. I'd rather have something different, like, what about an all you can eat buffet?'' She asks me with an hopeful smile.
''It's the best idea I've ever heard so far, I guess we're both thrifty.'' I reply, then we laugh because it's true and also we discover is one of the many things we have in common.
The evening goes smoothly, we go to a place not so far from my home (and also hers), then we start picking up plates and filling up them with food and she grabs a bottle of wine and puts into her bag.

We sneak out unnoticed and find a peaceful place to share our different dinner and have a talk. The wine helps us, along with the warm and nice night, so we stay on a bench for hours talking about anything, and knowing each other better.
''I'm still impressed by how you chose to come out, I think it was the best move to do it that way. At first you were everywhere, then when they understood that you really meant it with the break thing, it died slowly. I have to be honest, I was inspired by you and I decided to drop my beard and make campaigns with women too. Everyone already knew in the fashion industry, but I like to think I helped someone by doing so.'' Karlie admits, wiping a tear off and smiling as I put my hand on her cheek.
In that exact moment I realize that I want to give this girl the world, and I want her love more than anything else.
''I was offline, but I heard about you from Cara, and I did my own little research, once I got back to technology. You have an heart of gold, and the last thing you've done inspired tons of young people, more than you already do with your projects.'' I smile as she puts her hand on my chest, feeling my heartbeat.

Another hour passes by, and we even talk about our families and how her little sister Kimby would get along with Austin, since they're two tornados in the house.
Then we decide it's time to call a taxi and go back to my place.
Once we're on the backseat she starts kissing me on the neck and I tell the driver to turn the radio on, both because we want to listen to some music, but also because this way my inhuman noises won't be the only sounds in the background.
Our makeout session continues inside my apartment, first against my door, then we both agree on moving it onto something more comfortable. Like, a bed.
This time we take it more slowly, we're both tipsy but not that we won't remember a thing the next morning. The only light in the room is the one that the moon radiates, and I get to memorize every inch of Karlie's shaped body.
We spend the night worshipping our bodies, like we're discovering a brand new world, just for us. It's not just the life changing sex, and the strong connection we share. I'm feeling something I've never experienced before and I can see in her green eyes that she feels the same.
And I have the proof in her words, before falling asleep in my arms ''we push and pull like a magnet do, we're already inseparable just like two magnets.''

A/N: THANK YOU ED. I'm back on Wattpad thanks to your brilliant mind. I might be inspired for another one shot, who knows. I'm sorry if I haven't updated Open Your Eyes in a while but I was stuck (plus uni life sucks ugh).
Hope you like this :)

Shape of You (One Shot) - KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now