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Chapter 1

Carrie was a young teenage girl who liked normal things like everyone else, boys, music, fashion and going out to party. It wasn't till one night her life would change forever.

It was 3 hours before carries 18th birthday party and she woke up that day really excited because she's been planning this for a very long time. She sent out invitations and made sure that there was enough party food for everyone and that the playlist wasn't too boring as she didn't want people to leave.

As the time came closer to start the party, Carrie got ready for her fancy dress party. She didn't think it was too childish as everyone loves a good fancy dress party, girls get to dress however they wanted to and guys can do the same, but the one person that Carrie was most excited to see is her boyfriend Rob. They have been together for 7 months and tonight was the night Carrie was going to lose her virginity to him.

To ensure she looked appropriate she dressed up as cat woman with a whip which she had ordered especially for tonight.

The door bell rang and it was her first party guest arriving 30 minutes early. It was her best friends Kathy and Louise who were dressed up as Super Woman and Mrs Marvel.

"Hey Carrie", they both shouted up the stairs. "Come down and show us your costume".

Hearing their voices, Carrie moved as fast as she could and squealed out of happiness and excitement. She ran down the stairs and gave them both a hug.

"You guys look amazing, the boys won't be able to keep their hands off us tonight", they giggled and sat in the living room.

"Hey girls, you look great! Can I get you anything to drink or eat?, said Carries mum. "No thank you Mrs. Harris" they replied. "Okay I'll be across the street if you need me for anything okay?" As she walked out the door and closed it behind her.

The girl sat in the living room discussing what they each had planned for tonight.

"I'm planning to get so drunk tonight and just go crazy", says Kathy.

"I plan to make out with as many guys as possible", says Louise.

With hesitation Carrie takes a deep breath and Louise and Kathy look at her surprised.

"Carrie, what about you?", asks Louise. "Yes, what will you be doing tonight?", Kathy asks straight after Louise.

"Well, erm.... I have planned on having sex tonight with Rob!", says Carrie in a quiet voice.

With a shocked look on both their face, they look at Carrie and then look at each other and without realising at the same time they both say "OMG Carrie, are you sure?".

Carrie nods and smiles. "I've been with him for 7 months and we both wanted to wait for a while and I thought, since it's my birthday I might as well."

With a sigh of surprise, they hug Carrie and Kathy ask "Did you buy protection or is he bringing it?" and as soon as Kathy finished her question Carrie pulls out 4 condoms out of her costume.

All 3 of the girls laugh and get up to dance when Carrie turns on the music so they get into the party mood.

Time is 9pm and the party has started of great as about 14 more people have turned up and everyone's laughing, drinking and making out and just enjoying themselves. Carrie was in the kitchen getting something to eat when someone behind her grabs her waist and says "guess who?" and out of shock she turns around quickly to see her boyfriend Rob dressed as a clown. She laughs and kisses him. "You look great", he says and kisses her again. Carrie making cat faces and meowing in a playful way. She takes his hand and drags him upstairs to the bedroom and slams the door. "Okay Carrie, is there something you wanna tell me?", as he asks her really confused. Carrie pulls out the condoms out her bra and throw them to him. Out of surprise Rob grabs Carrie and starts to kiss her passionately and moves onto her neck. As he kisses her neck the clown nose he is wearing rubs against her neck too and Carrie starts to moan and slowly starts to undo her costume and taking it off so only the top half of her body is relieved. She grabs Rob and throws herself on the bed and pulls him on top of her. More and more she starts to enjoy the rubbing of the clowns nose on her neck and the kisses she's receiving from Rob.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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