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"(Y/n)." the girl turned around. No one. "H-hello?"  she asked. No reply. "(Y/n)." the voice called again. "Hello? Whos there?" she asked trying to not let her voice crack. "Turn around." the voice called again. She could tell it was female. It sounded so familiar. She turned around. No one. She furrowed her brows in confusion only to bump into a figure. "Hello." the voice said. It sounded kind. She looked up into the a pair of brown orbs. They were so familiar. "Its been awhile." She looked at the person with confusion until she realized who it was. "M-mom?" she called. The women stepped out of the shadow to show a warm smile. The girl tried wrapping her mother in a hug. But when she did, she was gone. "Mom?" the girl called out. "MOM!" she screamed out. Tears falling down her face. But her screams only fell upon deaf ears. "Mom.." she said falling to her knees. "Honey." a voice said. She looked up. No one was there. "Its going to be ok. I promise." the girl saw a light. She felt something compelled her to go into it. She stood up and felt arms wrap around her. A head placed itself upon her head. She looked up. It was her mother. "Its going to be ok." Her mother whispered  before kissing her head and gently pushing her towards the light. The girl stumbled forwards and right before she did she looked back. Her mother, father, brother and sister were all their. Smiling and waving.

~Your POV~

I woke up in a cold sweat. Dried tears stained my face. "Damnit." I muttered as I got up and went to the bathroom. My eyes were red and puffy. I whipped my eyes and started cleaning my face off with cold water. I looked at the clock, 6:50. "Shit!" I screamed and tripped. "SHUT UP IM TRYING TO SLEEP." my room mate screamed. I rolled my eyes. I was 17. So I was still in high school. She was 21. She worked but I didn't know where. Honestly I didn't care. She never got back until 4 in the morning any ways. As long as bills got paid. (Sans is 18) I stood up and ran to my room. I threw on a pair of (F/c) skinny jeans, a (second f/c) tank top and black converse. I also threw on over it my favorite sweatshirt. It was loose fitting and was (F/c). I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I grabbed my headphones and shoved those along with my phone into my pocket. Then I made myself a piece of toast and put it in my mouth before running to the bus stop. (classic school girl late breakfast? I think so.)

Quick heads up In the beginning sans is going to be kinda like gagster sans. He still looks like dancetale sans but he just isn't on best terms with humans except for Frisk. Also Frisk is a girl in this.

~Still your POV~

I made it just as the bus was going to pull away. 1i waved my arms rapidly until the bus driver saw me and slowed down. I got on and nodded my head in appreciation before taking a seat in a empty seat in the back. I put my headphones in and played one of my favorite songs. I leaned against the seat with my eyes closed. All of the sudden I felt something pull my headphones out and lean over the seat. "Whatcha listening to?" the voice asked. I looked at the voice and rolled my eyes. It was Toby. He was a monster. Humans and monster now live in peace....mostly. Some still don't like humans but I can understand why. "Give me my headphones." I said reaching to grab it. He smirked and held them higher. "What are you going to do to make me?" he asked. I stood up from my seat and stood in the aisle in front of him. He turned and smirked. "Give. Them. Back." I growled. He leaned down near me. "Make me." He said chuckling and turning back to his friends. I smirked and kneed him right where the sun don't shine. He doubled over in pain and I grabbed my headphones. Before sitting down I pushed him over so he fell to the ground. With a roll of my eyes I sat back down. "What happened back there?" the bus driver called. "Toby fell out of his seat." I yelled before putting my headphones back in before closing my eyes again and waiting for the ride to be over.

I woke up to the bus stopping. I yawned and stood up. I hopped into the aisle in front of Toby and walked to the front of the bus. As I was stepping off I was pushed. I fell off and landed on my arms. I tried getting up but was kicked in the side. I gasped for air. I felt someone grab my hair and pull me up. It was Toby. "Learn your place." He growled before dropping my head and giving me a final kick. I glared at him and pushed myself up. I looked towards the doors to see him looking at me and laughing with his friends. He fit in perfectly with the group of asshole human guys. But he wasn't what caught my eyes. What did was the group near the door. It was a skeleton who looked about my age and two girls who looked similar. The skeleton wore a blue sweatshirt, sweatpants, and black converse. One of the little girls wore a blue and pink striped sweatshirt and black boots. The other had a green and yellow striped sweater with brown boots. They both were wearing black leggings with black shorts and they both had brown hair. The one in the purple sweater shirt looked like she was going to trying coming towards me but the skeleton held her back. The other little girl was standing next to her looking at me. I stood up and started walking but instantly hissed. "Shit." I muttered under my breath. The bell rang and the trio headed inside. To class I assumed. I walked towards the door and winced with every step. I headed to the bathroom.

That's the first part! So I have been reading many dancetale fanfics lately and wanted to make one of my own. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day. (Or night if you stay up until the godly hours of the morning when you know you shouldn't be.)

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