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  • Dedicated to Joey Ann Miller


"Hello, anybody home," I called. I guess I have the house to myself. I thought. I could go to Leah's...... a loud bang interrupted my thoughts. What on earth? I thought as I raced to go check the security cameras. I got there & rolled back the tapes. The weird thing was, no one was there in the room where the bang came from at the time. 

I went to my room to call Leah & tell her what just happened. "Hey Leah. You'll never believe what just happened. No way it couldn't be that. You really think it is? Whatever. Yeah Yeah, I'll keep you updated. See ya." I said.  

 After the phone call I went downstairs to get myself a snack & finish up my home work. As I was getting out my snack, I saw a note from my parents lying on the counter. 


Take your car & pick up the kids from daycare(4:45) & go to Leah's. Stay there & we will have Aunt Amber take you to her place tomorrow night. 

             Love Mom & Dad. 

It read. Why would they have me go to Leah's & then have Amber pick us up if we're just gonna wind up at Ambers anyway? I wondered. I made a snack for the kids & packed a bag of entertainment for the boys & Kate, then I packed an essentials bag. 

I felt a chill go down my back. "Hello, Mia. It's nice to see you again." a voice said.  I turned around, but there was no one there. I got in the car as i dialed Leah, & put her on speaker phone so I could drive & talk at the same time. "Yeah weird I know, but you wanna know what the weirdest part was?" I asked. "Huh?" she replied. "The voice sounded like my birth mom. Yes, seriously!!!!!!! I know, I know. Look Leah, I gotta go, I'm picking the kids up from daycare & then we're staying at your place for the night. Yes, I will look into it & keep you posted. All right. See ya soon." I said. 


"Hey, kiddo's. How was your day?" I asked the kids. After they all told me about their day, we had got to Leah's. I honked the horn twice (our way of letting each other know we had arrived) & told the kids we were having a "sleepover" with "auntie Leah" & aunt amber would pick us up tomorrow.                                                                

           "Yay, auntie leah sleepover! This night is gonna rock!" Sam & Alex cheered as they got themselves unbuckled & into the house. Leah came out to help get out Kate & the bags. When we were all piled into the house, we had lunch, then we went to the local library to check out some books, after that we took them to the park to wear some energy out of them, so they would take a nap. 

"So, did you tell the kids about what happened?" Leah asked as we were driving home from the park. 

"No, I didn't want to creep them out," I said. "Plus, I didn't think there parents would want me doing that." I said. By that time, we were back at Leah's & while the boys were fast asleep the twins were wide awake. We read the twins a book & played while we patiently waited for the boys to wake up. The boys finally woke up. We played on Disney Infinity for awhile, then we ate. After we ate, we watched The Croods, Turbo, & Monsters University, then the kids wound down. (A/N:THANK GOD! LOL ALL NAMES ARE REAL EXCEPT LEAH.) I got in my pj's & then turned around to see the boys standing right behind me. They wanted to know if we could build & sleep in a "tent". 

"Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow at Auntie Ambers we can." I told the boys. They put on there begging face & I let it get the better of me. "Oh, all right." We all slept well that night. Well, almost all. 


"Mia, I have come to warn you. Mia, you need to go home. Mia, MIA!"(That was in the dream) I woke up with a jolt. I eventually figured out that the voice was my birth mother. Oh my god, I think I just channeled my birth mother, I thought. I heard some one whisper my name, but I realized it was my birth mom. DANGNABBIT MOTHER I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!!!! I thought. "Mia, you need to know something," she whispered. 

"This better be good." I grumbled as I got out the tent & headed downstairs. 

"I assume you remember Phillip, correct?" Joey asked. I nodded. "Of course I do. After what he did to me, you really think I could forget?" I said. "Well he's coming back to haunt you, & he won't stop until he has managed to make your life either miserable or done."  I have got to be hallucinating. I thought. There is no frekin way Phillip was dead unless he was either given the life sentence or sentenced to death. Which I don't think the abuse was severe enough for those sentences which must've meant he died while serving his time. SERVES HIM RIGHT THAT DANG BUTTHEAD!!!!!:( :( I digested all this & told my mom I was going back to bed. 

"All right, but Mia, you've got to be very careful. I swear that guy to do the trick where you're walking in the lawn & there's a hole that's covered up by leaves but is thick enough to put you in a coma to some thing as sneaky as  poisoned water or food, or even a hijacked car or pho-" My mom said as she listed some of the easiest way's to put a person to craziness. "I know ma. I know. Keep me updated, will ya?" I said. I knew she would, so I wasn't really worried about that.

The Investagation

The next day, I told the kids it was time go to Auntie Ambers.

"But we want to stay at Auntie Leah's!!!! She rocks!!!!" The boys whined.

"Well, I guess I could make that work....."I said. I called Amber & told her to come prepared to spend at least a work week. We made that work. I told the kids & Amber that I had to go to work for a few hours. Leah raised her eyebrow in doubt (She totally knew I was going back to my house to dig up more info on what happened.) I nodded. While Leah & Ambie took the kids to an kiddy version of Adventureland (since my sisters were going to take  me to the real one that summer) I went back to the my house. When I let my self in, i saw a message written on the wall in blood red. Yes, blood red colored lipstick, which lead me to believe the message was from Phillip. The message read 



 I took a picture of the graffiti, then I decided that the threat alone was enough clues for one day. I slipped out of the house. As I got out of the house & into my car, I quickly saeged it (what I was superstitious & you would be to.)& called Leah to tell her about the graffiti & the specific shade of red. She thought we should tell the police, but I told her they would think we're crazy. She told me tomorrow she would help out. 

"Amie will get suspicious! I think we should go out & about tomorrow & look for more clues while we're there. Look, Leah,I gotta go. Love you too. Bye." I said. I felt a presence in the car with me, but I knew it was my mom since I had saged the car. 

"Mia, what is going on? First thing he smashes a vase & the next is graffiti," My mom said. 

"Mom, I'm fine!!!! I'm working on this with Leah & you, so I'm being very safe! I told Leah we shouldn't go to the police because they would think we were crazy, but I know what to do. I'm keeping sage handy at all times, & saging every area an incident has happened or where the kids are. I don't want them affected by this." 

"Ok, but, always, always make sure that the kids are safe. I know how precious they are to you." She said. With that she left. 


When I got back to Leah's, I automatically saged every room, just for precaution. I wasn't about to take any chances. The kids had eaten & were ready to go somewhere. "Well how about the indoor water park?" Amber asked.

"Great idea," Leah said. Soon we were all piled up into the car & headed to adventure bay water park. I was eager to get there, & so were the kids. 


After spending the rest of the day at adventure bay & Adventure land, we went back to Leah's house. By then it was nighttime, so the kids got in there pajama's, & we wound down with a pillow fight, watching Curious George, & going to bed. 

The encounter 

The next morning, I woke up around the time I usually do for a school day.  I heard a voice say, "I thought I told you not to tell anybody!!" I knew it was Phillip, because my mom would never talk to me that way. I ran as fast as I could upstairs, so I could get the sage, but just as I got to the landing, he pushed me back, & the ground came up to meet me very quickly.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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