Chapter 1

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It was a cold, winter morning. It was a day before Hogwarts started on winter break, so most students were packing their trunks getting ready to leave on the Hogwarts Express.

Harry, of course, had to stay behind at Hogwarts for the holidays. The Dursleys hated and neglected Harry. They could care less about what he did for Christmas. But not much students stayed for the holidays, Harry guessed that most people actually had families who loved them. Ron and Hermione planned on staying at Hogwarts with him, they didn't want him to be alone.

''I really hope my parents say yes, Harry. I wouldn't want you spending the holidays alone!'' Hermione said, shivering in her orange and scarlett scarf. ''I sent an owl out to my parents this morning. I hope they respond with a 'yes' before tonight, otherwise I'm gonna have to go anyway.'' she continued.

''Why's that?'' Harry asked, looking at her pink face after they had just entered through the school's doors after walking in the snow.

''Isn't it obvious?'' She began, ''You have to register for the Hogwarts express at least one day in advance. The likely answer will probably be no, considering how late I was at asking them.'' she frowned.

''It's alright, Hermione. I understand if you can't stay.'' He lied. He really wanted Ron and Hermione to stay with him for Christmas. If they left, he'd be the only Gryffindor staying for the break. He gave a weak smile as the three walked through the school corridors, heading for the common room.

''I don't know if my mom would approve of me staying over, Harry.'' Ron sighed. He looked disappointed. ''See, my dad's been planning to take us for pictures with Father Christmas at a muggle mall for years now. But my mom always told him that it was nonsense. He finally convinced her this year and he was really excited about it.''

''Oh. It's okay, Ron. You spend Christmas with your family.'' Harry said, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice. But he guessed it didn't work, because both Ron and Hermione looked at him with an expression of pure pity.

''I'm really sorry, Harry.'' Hermione reminded him. Harry forced a smile. ''It's fine, really.'' He assured them.

When they reached the common room, Hermione plopped into one of the cozy chairs by the fire. She ripped her scarf off and sighed.

Ron rubbed his hands in the fire, and pulled them to his cheeks. ''Wonder what's for dinner.'' He said. ''I hope we're having kidney-and-stake pie!'' Hermione drooled, looking at the fire. The flames reflected in her eyes.

Harry didn't want to spend Christmas alone. Atleast he would have the whole common room to himself, right? He tried to cheer himself up, but nobody he knew seemed to have been staying. He sighed.

After about 20 minutes of talking, Hermione suggested that they should go up to dinner in the Great Hall.

As they walked into the noisy Great Hall, they watched as Professor Flitwick hung up Christmas ornaments with charms, and as Professor Mcgonagall hung decorations all over the hall. There were tons of mistletoe, and gold ribbon decorated each house's table.

Ron, Hermione, and Harry sat at the Gryffindor table and started filling their plates. ''I wonder if anyone else is staying, Harry.'' Ron said, stuffing bread into his mouth.

''Malfoy is, I think.'' Hermione said casually, not thinking. ''WHAT?'' Ron bellowed. ''Calm down!'' She whispered loudly. ''You don't need to yell!''

Harry groaned. Great. Not only were his friends probably not going to be able to stay, but he was going to have to have private potions lessons with Snape over the holidays, AND he'd have to be stuck with Malfoy? Seriously? Life was not on good terms with Harry right now. Could this get any worse?

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