First Impressions

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     A/N: Hello everyone! So I am in fact obsessed with Studio C! If you don't know what Studio C is, I recommend you go check them out on YouTube. They are an absolutely hilarious family-friendly sketch comedy group. Anyway, the main OTP in the Studio C fandom is Mattory (Matt Meese and Mallory Everton) and I ship it soooo much! I've had a plot for a fic in my head for a while now, but I never found time to write. I recently read 2 very good Mattory fics that motivated me to write! 

     Anyway, for the purposes of this fic, I changed a few things. Although Whitney and Mallory are still kindergarten friends and did attend BYU, they never ran in to Matt on campus and never made friends with him. They did not help him found Studio C, but became part of the cast. Also, I don't know a whole ton about Mormons, but I know enough to make this fic accurate, hopefully. Also, the order of some of the sketches might be rearranged for the purposes of this fic. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! I already slipped in references for 2 Studio C sketches in this one chapter. If you can find both of them I'll give you a shout out in the next chapter! Enjoy!

     Matt Meese was driving down the Utah roads, full of excitement. His dream ever since he had been in highschool was to create his own sketch comedy TV show. He had attended college at BYU and after graduation, his friend Jared Shores had offered him the chance to follow his dream. It had been about eight months since graduation. Matt (along with Jared and his best friend Jason Gray) had selected a cast, found a studio, and were ready to start writing sketches. Today would be "Studio C's" very first meeting. Matt was looking forward to meeting the cast members that Jason and Jared had picked out.

     As he was driving along, Matt's phone rang. It was Jason's ringtone. He glanced over at the passenger seat, where he had left his phone when he started driving, but his phone wasn't there.

     "It must have fallen onto the floor at some point," Matt thought. "I'm sure Jason's call isn't that important. I'll wait until I get to the studio to answer. Wouldn't want to have an accident."

     After a while, the ringing died down. A few seconds later, his phone rang again. Matt ignored it. After a third time, however, he started to worry. Jason always complained that Matt worried too much, but that's just the way Matt was. The phone stopped ringing. After a few minutes of silence, Matt heard the "ping, ping, ping" of multiple text message alerts, all from Jason. Now Matt was really worried. Jason didn't text a whole lot, and he never sent multiple texts in succession.

     Looking ahead, he saw that the road was perfectly straight, very vacant, and the stoplight was green (well, Matt didn't see green because he was colorblind, but it was a color he normally associated with 'green'). Matt slowed his car down a bit and ducked down to grab his phone. He fingers searched around until they wrapped around his phone case. He grabbed the phone and sat back up as quickly as possible, looking ahead and realizing to his horror what was about to happen.

     When he had ducked down, the light had quickly changed from yellow to red, and a woman with blonde hair was currently holding an old lady's groceries as they crossed the street together. And Matthew Meese was about to hit them. The blonde woman looked up and her face immediately changed to an expression of pure fear as Matt slammed on the brakes, tires screeching as he slid across the asphalt. He managed to stop the car mere centimeters before hitting the women.


     "I'm so sorry!" Matt tried to apologize. "My best friend was calling me and-"

     "And what? You decided it was okay to potentially KILL people in order to talk to your friend? You make me sick!"

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