part 1

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"wake up sweetie" my mother said trying to wake me up

Wait what! Didn't I put a alarm on my phone to wake me up at 7am.

"What time is it" I asked jumping out of bed.

My mother was sitting on the end of the my bed with her brown hair in a messy pony tail with her Pink PJ'S on.

"Its 6:30. I don't want you to be late for your first day at your new high school. Breakfast is downstairs" My mother said walking out my room.

I walked to the bathroom to go shower.

When I was out the shower all I heard was silence.

How much I hate it when everything goes so quiet.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

All I saw was this ugly thing with white hair and blue icy eyes with the sickest body ever.

Why can't I just be a normal girl who belongs here. Who doesn't have these ice Powers like I do.

U see when I was small a witch kidnaped me and cursed me with these Powers. She wanted to kill me so she could get her son back from the underworld but in the end my father died instead of me because he wanted to save  me from not dieing.

Why him?
I should of died!

A few minutes of sitting in a frozen iced bathroom I got up and washed away my tears and thought of happy thoughts so that the ice could just melt and go away.

The only way to be normal is to be happy because if I'm not happy everything gets full of ice.

I got out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.

I got my blue skinny jeans with my plane White shirt with my red and black blocked shirt around my waste and my white all Stars

I got my blue skinny jeans with my plane White shirt with my red and black blocked shirt around my waste and my white all Stars

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I looked at myself in the mirror again to do my hair but all I saw was a fake girl. I did my hair and walked down the steers.

All I could smell was eggs and bacon. I walked into the kitchen with a fake smile on my face and sat down by the kitchen table.

My mother cames with a plate with eggs, bacon and toast.

I just ate the eggs and toast and walked out the house with my red back pack.

I walked to school in silence. Everywhere I past poeple would look at me funny.

Is it because I had white hair?
Is it because my skin is as White as snow?
Or is it because what I was wearing?

Fuck I should stop thinking so much.

I looked at the time on my phone and it Said 7:45. OK I should hurry up. I still need to get my time table to my classes.

I walked into the big school gates and was on my way to the office. As I walked to the office all I could see was poeple kissing each other to death and girls looking at me funny.

OK Lorria stop thinking just put on your fake smile so everything is fine.

I walked up the steers to office and a old lady helped me get all my stuff like where's the classes are and shit.

"OK I'll get someone to help u get to your Frist 3 classes. Where's Tyler Joseph?" She asked the lady next to her.

I waited for this Tyler to came and Help me get to my classes. Why can't I do it myself? I can't make friends that's what happened at my old school.

Long story short

I froze the whole girls bathroom because my friends knew my powers and left me crying in the girls bathroom.

As I was waiting for this boy to came something tapped me on the shoulder.

" Ummm . Hi I'm Tyler Joseph. And you are ..." This boy with brown hair said to me with a cute smile.

Did I just call him cute?

"Oh I'm Lorria Ann" I said shaking he's hand.

He seems nice.

What are u thinking Lorria.

Remember no friends= no problems.

" Nice to meet u Lorria Ann. Nice name by the way " he said as we walked down the steers.

"Awwww thanks. So where u from" I asked

What are you doing?
Lorria don't talk to him.

Can u just shut up brain. Just for once.

"Ohio. How about u?" He said as he done this everyday but enjoyed doing it.

Wait did he just say he's from Ohio?

" No ways! I'm from there to" I stopped walking and looked at him with a big smile.

Wait what is this my real smile? It feels good being truly happy. Maybe he's not a bad guy at all.

"No ways! That's sick as Frick. Josh is gonna like you" he said jumping around me. All I could do is laugh at him.

I wonder who's Josh?

Oh well guess I'll meet him later today .

"Sooooo Frist class English. Came on let's go " he said grabbing me by my hand and run to wherever the English class was.

I think me and Tyler will be good friends.

Tyler stopped running when we got to the door of the class. We walked inside. It had posters everywhere about English thing.

"Sooo do we just sit where ever we want?" I asked not sure what to do. He just nodded and grabbed my hand again
And pulled me to the two back sits.

"What the hell is with u dragging me around? U know I can just follow you" I said sitting down.

"And what's the fun about that?" He said putting he's one eyebrow up and the other down.

I just rolled my eyes and started working when the teacher gave us work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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