Chapter 1: Her

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The night was young as the moon hung at the apex of its flight across the sky. The wind was rustling the Autumn leaves and the street lamps gave off a warm glow towards the sidewalks below. In a small two story house a cell phone rang. It rang loud and long and didn't let up.

"Babe....babe your phone is ringing" a soft and tired woman's voice said from one side of the bed. The lump next to her shuffled and soon an arm shot out and grabbed the phone from the bedside table answering it.

"Det. Collins." He said to the other person on the line. It was quiet for some time so he repeated himself, this time with more of the sleepiness gone from his voice.
"This is Detective Collins who is this?".
Silence. He waited for a few more seconds before shaking his head. Just as he was about to hang up the phone a woman's voice rang out from the receiver. Her voice was as smooth as honey and tipped with an accent far from the states.

"Hello detective. I would like to report a murder. The address is 757 Sheltondale rd. Please don't wait too long." And just like that the phone hung up. Det. Collins tried to call the number back but the phone was off. He didn't have a good feeling about this but he knew e had to get to the bottom of this call. For the past two months men and women have been springing up dead or crazed out of their minds. All rambling on and on and colors and letters and symbols. No one could make heads or tails of the incidents and he had been on this trail for too long.

"Christopher Jermaine Collins. You promised me you were done with this case." The woman said as she sat up and watched Christopher dress himself. She had on a hair cap and a pair of Victoria's Secret Bra and panty set. She held a frown as her husband looked at her with pleading eyes.

"I know babe but this might be the breakthrough we've been looking for. Once I'm able to catch this murderer I'll be able to turn in my badge and retire for you and the kids. You just have to work with me" he said as he went to his dresser grabbing his gun and his badge.

"I've been "working with you" for 12 years goddammit. We have two children that only see their father when he's talking to news reporters or he's coming home late. When are you going to put your family before your job?". Her words hit him hard. It's true that he had been spending more time on this case than any other case he'd had before but it was for good reason. He couldn't have this wack job out there killing and hurting people right next to where his kids play. He was trying to make this world a safer place for his wife and his kids. If only she could see that.

"Danielle please don't do this right now. You know damn well I would do anything for this family, for my kids, for you! I'm trying to clean these streets so that I don't have to worry about my kids while they're playing in the front yard, or while they are catching the bus to school." He said as he stared at her. He and Danielle had been having this argument for about as long as the case had been open. She believed that he loved his job more than his family and it angered him to his core. She knew all too well that he did what he did to protect them but it still didn't stop her from feeling lonely while she was at home taking care of the kids.

"Fine, go be Mr. World saver." She said as she laid back down throwing the covers over herself. Christopher watched her for a moment before leaving the house in a quiet huff. He walked to his old Chevy Crown Victoria and opened up the driver side door hopping in before phoning his partner. He was surprised when he answered on the second ring.

"Yo Christopher I was just about to call you!" His partner said on the other line as Christopher started to drive towards the station.

"I would ask why your awake at this time of morning but that would be like asking why is water wet. I actually called because I needed to talk to you about a call I just got".
Before he could continue his partner cut him off abruptly,
"Wait you got the call too? The one from the sexy sounding woman talking about a murder or something?"
Christopher raised a brow and started to drive a little faster not liking the feeling he was getting.
"Yeah that's the same one. Your telling me she called you too?" He asked as he turned onto W. Magnolia heading towards Sheltondale.
"Yeah man isn't that what I just said? Look, I'll already told local PD about it, so I'll meet you at the address okay?".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2017 ⏰

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