Chapter One: This Is The Start Of My Tragic Story

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Chapter One: This Is The Start Of My Tragic Story


As the bell rang signaling the end of the day, I ran out of the front doors and began to walk home like I had any other day. My dad was at work, but at the time being I had thought he was home.

My mother surprised me with a call on my phone. Startled by the sudden obnoxious ringtone my phone had started to play, I sighed and quickly fished the device out of my pocket and answered.

"Hello, mom." My slight deep voice greeted. My mom on the other line greeted me as well and then replied. "Could I ask you a favor?" And shocked my slightly for a second time.

My mother was an independent women. Her asking for help was just as rare as it being warm on a winter day.

"Yeah, sure mom, what do need?" I politely responded. I wasn't in the mood to do favors for anyone, but if it was my mother I would automatically oblige to anything she asked.

"I need you to pick up your brother from Freedy's Pizzeria," She started. "Your father isn't off work until four today and I am not allowing your brother to stay there for an hour waiting for your father to show up." I mentally groaned.

Scratch that. I would do almost anything for her. Mom knew I hated that place, the place was packed during the day and I honestly didn't want to go around looking everywhere for my brother.

"Mom," I said in a slight serious tone. "Please have dad pick him up, you know I hate that place." I said.

On the other end of the phone, I heard her sigh. "I know you hate that place, but please just pick him up before you come home? This won't happen that often." I couldn't argue about that.

"Fine, I'll pick him up." I gave my final answer. "But if I get lost in a crowd of kids, don't blame me." I could practically feel her smile at my joke.

"You'll be fine." She chuckled. "Love you, be home soon." And with that she hung up.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and continued on took a right, instead of left.

Freddy's Pizzaria was clear across town from where we lived. So, instead of killing my feet walking there, I sat at the bus stop, waiting for the next bus to show.

I didn't need to wait long, within five minutes the bus came. I stood up from the bench as the bus came to a stop and quickly grabbed my bag as it opened its doors.

I handed the bus driver a dollar before I grabbed one of the handles, and off we went.

I was not excited to go to the Pizzeria.


Well, that's chapter one! How did I do? Please leave a comment and vote, if you enjoyed. I would gladly appreciate it.

Words: 474 + A/N = 507

Date: 1/17/17

~Lena <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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