Thought #1

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I always wonder: Why do people still bring children into this world if this is all that life is? Pain, suffering, routine, and the occasional good time just so you have something to compare every other day to. I don't want to be alive but unfortunately I couldn't help but to cling to the good times. To never stop hoping that these occasional good times turned into every day, that we would no longer be lost in life and have found exactly where we are meant to be.

I hoped that one day I wouldn't have to fight each day on my own but would instead fly right through each day with my sidekick. My soulmate. The days could never be long enough for us when we're together. All I need is for someone to ground me, to give me a reason to live.

My depression feels like a bird who can't fly. I can see where I should be but I can't get there. The world is working against me but I can't stop fighting it. I want to give up but I can't.

Forever in limbo.

Thoughts From The Girl Who Can't Kill HerselfWhere stories live. Discover now