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"Hey Babe, you're mine now, kay," Harry stated, wrapping his arm around me.I flashed him a look of disbelief but the the other boys seemed unfazed.

"I'm Liam.....and this is Harry, Louis, , Zayn, and Niall," Liam greeted, giving me a smile.

"Hi......I'm Gwendolyn but you can call me Gwen," I coughed out awkwardly.I shifted my feet, making Harry's arm slip off my shoulder.He frowned before a smirk began to spread on his lips.

Oh no, something tells me this is bad.....

"You're a virgin?," Harry asked, his emerald eyes looking directly at me.My cheeks burned bright red with embrassment as the rest of the boys looked at me curiously.I suddenly felt very the they all eyed me.

"Y-y-y-e-e-s-s," I stuttered badly making me wince at how lame I sounded.An unexpected spark lit up, one by one, in all all of their eyes.

"Well you won't be for long," Harry's eyes spoke as that supid smirk got wider."Do you have a boyfriend?," Louis asked, his bluish green eyes sparkling.I was tempted to tell the truth and say no, until I felt Harry's hand snake around my waist.I looked up into Harry's prying eyes, until I tore my gaze away and looked down the hall searching frantically for someone who could be my fake boyfriend.

I looked at the guys and girls in the hall until I found Logan, who was my best friend."I have a boyfriend, he's right over there," I said, pointing towards Logan who was reaching in to his locker.The boy's eyes followed my finger, their faces falling except for Harry.

"Oh yeah?," Harry asked, pausing a bit, "Kiss him."

I froze at his command and so did Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn."What?," I whispered.

"If he's really your boyfriend, kiss him," Harry said simply, a look in his eyes saying "I know you are lying".Suddenly my anger flared up and I smiled tightly at him.

"Fine," I anwsered shoving my books in his arms before marching up to Logan.I gulped nervously before I reached him.

"Hi Gwen-," Logan greeted but was cut off, when I pressed my lips onto his.I was afraid that Logan would become confuse or get angry but instead he kissed me back, shocking me a bit.His smooth, soft lips moved with mine, causing butterflies in my stomach.

I never knew I liked Logan....

I pulled away and he smiled."We'll talk later," My eyes said as I walked back towards the boys, Logan's eyes burning holes in my body."I kissed him," I smirked as Harry's smirk vanished from his face.He looked pale, but a tad angry.Before Harry could say a stupid remark the bell rang.

Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn looked at me before walking away quiet and awkwardly.I began to walk away when Harry grabbed my hand spinned me around and pressed me againest the wall where nobody could see us.

"I don't believe your dating....but I'll get you to be mine," Harry growled.He kissed my jaw slowly and carefully sucking a bit.He pink lips moved towards my neck where he kissed it before, sucking on it.I whimpered at the stinging as Harry bit down still sucking.

When he felt good about the mark he left he pulled away looking in to my eyes.

"You're mine now," He whispered before letting me go and simply walking away.I stared wordlessly after him in a trance until he was gone.I pulled out my camera and took a quick selfie.I examined the image, my eyes drawn to the bruised hickie that was left on my neck.

That jerk marked me.......


Author's Note:

Hi!!!!! I wasn't sure if I was going to write this but here we go.I don't want to keep going if nobody likes it so can someone please comment.....or maybe vote to tell me how you feel? It can be just the word "keep" if you comment.Well thanks for reading, this short preview.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2014 ⏰

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