Ying and Yang

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 If you look at the mirror and sing,

 Ying and Yang,

 Tie our bonds tight,

 Let our true fates be sealed...

 your evil twin or good twin (depends on which one you are) will stare at you at the other side.

 if it is your evil twin it will give you a weapon and say, "Kill..." and if you don't obey, your twin comes whenever you reach a mirror your evil twin will kill you instantly and switch who belongs in which world.

 If you are eveil your good twin comes and your twin will say, "Don't lie..." if you disobey your twin, your twin comes at the next mirror you come to and kills you, and switches worlds.

 The reason they kill you if you disobey is because when you switch you could immortal.

 You will never get out of that world, you will forever be cursed to be stuck there,

 while your twin lives your life.

 So before you try this...remember my warnings and consequences...

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