just a poem~

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That's just a poem
To tell you how I feel
I have a weird problem
And that makes me ill

I know that I'm shy
But you know I try
Even if we aren't friend
I don't want it to end

I try to socialise
But you don't realise
I want you to notice me
But you don't seem to see me

With a lot of courage
I send a small message
Waiting for your reply
I wait anxiously

Wow you replied!
But why am I so glad?!
I hope it's not bad
If I request to chat
Because I wanna be befriended

Still talking all day long
My problem is solved
Still talking all night long
"Oh, see you later" She promised

And I trust her....we're friends after all!

Hey Mina! Okay so that's a bit different but yeah, that's a poem so enjoy~ I'm not sure If I'll make the French version however...

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