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I wish Mother was here" Rosie thought. Rosie was a 16 year old girl who had a rich family. She lived with her Mother in an expensive house. She had been walking to the shops when she saw a crowd of people surrounding a sign. The sign was advertising a new cruise ship which was going to have its first launch in a week from now. It was said to be the safest boat that ever existed. She looked to the top of the sign and saw the name "Titanic"

"Come on" said Rosie, excitement in her voice. "We mustn't be late". "Im coming, Im coming" replied her Mother "Im not as young as i used to be". One hour later Rosie and her Mother boarded the ship. They found their room and Rosie opened the door. "Wow this is amazing" she thought. She jumped on the bed and looked at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and slowly but surely fell asleep.

She was awoken by her Mother. She was screaming "We have to go Rosie!". An alarm was wailing and everyone onboard was panicking. "What's going on?" asked Rosie with fear. "The boat" she said. "We've hit an iceberg!". The escape boats were filling up. By the time they got there there,there was only one left, but the guards insisted it didn't work. "How are we going to leave?" mumbled Rosie. "Listen to me" her Mother whispered. "When i yell go you have to jump onto that boat and untie the rope ok". "What about you?" Rosie trembled. Her Mother said nothing instead running up to one of the guards and punching him in the face". "Hey!" he yelled as all the guards piled onto her. "GO!" she screamed. Rosie hesitated for a second. She looked back at her Mothers desperate, worried face. She faced the boat and jumped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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