Chapter 1

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    Now like in all fairytales, we must start with Once Upon A Time... There was a lonely, young girl and a rebellious, young bear. Both had quite a few issues if you ask me.

    The young girl, who was known for her wavy golden locks, was sitting in a dingy, old orphanage all by herself. No one actually knew her name since she had never spoken a word since she arrived so everyone just called her Goldilocks. No one was aware if she could ever speak or if she just chose not to. After all she had only been in the orphanage for a few years after watching the traumatizing death of her parents.

     Well one day she had enough of all the other kids in the orphanage and just took off and ended up in the forest near by. She was tired of the taunting from everyone, even those who were in charge, and loneliness that she felt in the small orphanage. Goldi only meant to be gone for an hour at the most but she quickly got lost in the deep emerald green light of the forest, that made her feel like a different person. Goldi was feeling frightened as the bright emerald light started to darken and turn into the black of night. She had been walking for hours, which had felt like days to the young girl.

    Goldilocks was so thirsty and felt like she could eat a few large animals. You know kind of like a whale and not a baby whale, a full grown whale. The again maybe she is a vegetarian... Hmm let's just leave it at she was starving.

    She was also feeling a new kind of tired. No longer was she tired of the other children who ignored and taunted her, who made her feel alone. Now Goldi was exhausted, mentally and physically. Her whole body hurt. She was tired of trying to figure out where she was in her leafy prison. Finally, Goldi could take it no longer and she collapsed where she stood, landing on the hard forest floor.

     Now onto Baby Bear, whose real name is Troy. Now I know what you are thinking, who in the world names a bear Troy? Well what would you name him? Boris? Now that's a silly name for a bear. Either way, Troy lived in a small cottage deep in the woods with his parents.

     Like any other morning, Mama Bear was fixing breakfast for her little family. Baby Bear was getting ready for the day and for once he was up before noon so he was a little cranky. Baby Bear went into the bright blue kitchen. "Oh my little Baby Bear," said Mama Bear as he came into the kitchen.

     Troy, who like I said was already in a mood, rolled his eyes at the hated nickname. "Mom, I am not a baby," the almost sixteen year old bear whined.

     Papa Bear lowered the newspaper to look over at his annoyed cub. "Now don't be like that. Respect  your mother and don't whine," Papa scolded, returning to the newspaper.

     "But I'm not a baby. I'm an---"

      "Adult. Yes, we know. I can't tell you how many times you have repeated that same rant this week," Papa Bear cut off as he threw down the paper to glare at his willful son. "You are not an adult yet."

       Mama Bear bit her lip as she looked back and forth between her angered husband and stubborn son. She knew that those simple words were only the beginning to a huge fight between the two bears. The fight grew until Troy flipped his plate of food over at his parents and stormed out of the small cottage, the door slamming behind him. He quickly head into the forest so he could be alone to stew in his anger.

       Hours later, after only eating half of his breakfast and no lunch, his temper finally cooled enough to let his stomach make its needs known. He finally felt calm enough to walk home. Troy quickly decided to take a shortcut home. He was maybe half a mile away when he came across a young girl that appeared to be his age. The first thing that struck him was how angelic she looked. Her wavy golden locks flowing in the moonlight, almost like a halo. The girl's delicate features and slightly upturned nose. The way her makeup was smudged under her eyes made her like she had just got done crying at the world's injustices. Her lips were slightly pursed in her sleep. Troy picked up the sleeping angel and started to carry her back to his house.

     Not wanting his parents to see her and take this as an act of betrayal, he put her in his old treehouse that he hadn't played in for quite a long time. He set her down in a chair while he grabbed old blankets to make her a bed. Carefully and quietly he set her down in her makeshift bed before leaving. Troy locked up his angelic princess, as he dubbed her, with a whispered promise to coming back tomorrow to take care of her. Already a deep feeling of love and fascination growing within, overshadowing the dread he felt as he went inside to face the music of a fight that seemed so long ago.

     Now our little story really begins....

A.N.: This is the second story in my series called the Grim Tales which are all retelling of Fairytales. Is there any fairytales that you would like for me to rewrite? This chapter would have taken a lot longer to write and perfect without All-but-I to beta this chapter. You should really read their story "Picture Perfect". If you can't tell this is the retelling of "Goldilocks and The Three Bears". Enjoy.

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