Chapter 1

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Greyson walked down the street, her bright blue eyes locked on her dirty yellow converse, rain drops fell around her and her dark hair stuck to her face.

She held onto her body, rapping her arms around herself, trying to keep warm, but the shivers running down her spin were an obvious sign it wasn't working.

Suddenly she slammed into another body and she collided with the ground.

"Greyson Vender. Just the street urchin I was searching for" said the man. His dark silhouette casting a shadow onto her face like she was lesser.

She propped herself up on her elbows and turned and spit on the ground next to her.

"What do you want, Jack?" She said looking up making direct eye contact, not daring to brake the chain like stare.

He kneeled down and grabbed her by the chin. They were about 5 inches apart and she could smell his peppermint breath.

"How old are you, Grey?" He whisper like one of the passersby would hear him, even though they weren't even casting a glance at them.

No one cares about the low life's well being.

Greyson hated it when he called her that. He knew her parents used to call her that.

"Turning 17 tomorrow" she said giving him a hard glare then swatting his hand away and standing up.

She turned to walk away but as she did he grabbed her by the elbow

"See you soon" he wispered with an evil cackle at the end. He released her and when she looked back, he was gone.

She pulled her hood up and walked on, lost in thought.

What happens on my 17th birthday?

Will he ever leave me alone?

She thought back to when she first meet Jack.

She was 10 and walking along the busy streets of Boston. She turned the brick corner and walked down the ally looking for a place to stay for the night.

When she found a dry place she dropped her backpack and started to sit down

"Aren't you a little young to be walking around alone?" Said a voice, making her jump to her feet, suddenly awake.

She looked up but could only make out his outline. 

"Who are you" her voice came out wobbly, she was failing at sounding strong.

"I'm Jack, don't worry I won't hurt you, I knew your parents, you could say we were like fire and gasoline" the words came out of his mouth and she took a unconfident step forward​ eager to learn more about her family

He kneeled down to her small frame and she could make out the outlines of his face. He had a stubble and a sharp chin. His eyes were untrustworthy.

Greyson always seemed to know what kind of person someone was by looking in their eyes. In his she only saw untrustworthiness and mischief. They were the eyes of the evil in the world.

She slowly picked up her bag and then suddenly turned on her heel and sprinted away from that man.

She didn't see him again till she was 11, a day before her 12th birthday in  Madison. And then again a day before her 13th birthday in Jackson .

And again this year in St.Louis. She didn't know what he wanted. Everytime he talked to her after that day was just to check up on her.

Suddenly she ran into another body. What is it today? Did the world really hate her that much?

She looked up with a hard glare "watch where you're going idiot" and came face to face with a boy about her age but an inch or two taller and with stunning green eyes.

"Me? I was just walking along and you ran into me. It's not my fault you weren't paying attention" he said glaring right back and sizing her up.

He flicked his dark brown curly hair to the side to get it out of his eyes. The curls landed right on his temple perfectly which bothered Greyson.  They fitted too perfectly with his dark Hispanic skin. He was too good looking and he knew it.

How isn't this idiots hair fucking soaked

Greyson didn't need this. She was tired of people treating her like this. Like she was lower than them.

She grabbed him by the collar and pulled her face close to his and just came out with it

"Listen here, pretty boy, you may think you're hot fucking stuff but you're not."

He squinted at her like he couldn't believe what she just said. He grabbed her wrists and pulled them off himself and let them go

"Get lost, Gris. I don't have time for someone who doesn't even pay attention to where they're walking" he spit at her and walked right past her like it never happened.

He called her Gris and somehow it got under her skin. She knew it was supposed to be mocking. Calling her grey in Spanish instead of just Greyson. It irked her and it didn't make sense.

Her body went stiff. It was like someone tied a pole down her body. Her eyes were locked forward and  vaguely she felt him knock her shoulder with hers. She whipped  around and caught him, completely off guard, by the wrist.

He flung off her wrist and laughed "get lost Gris "

"I don't know why you call me that but stop"

"Cariña it's your eye color, duh"

She scoffed, adjusted her backpack, and kept walking.

It was night now. Greyson checked her clock. 5 minutes till midnight.

Those were the longest minutes ever. They always were. It felt as if someone was making the clock move slower.

She was currently in a dark alleyway. The only light was that of the lamppost which had about seen the end of its days. Her back was pressed against the stone wall and her backpack was sitting next to her.

She was nibbling on the last of her bread when she checked her watch again. Only 2 more minutes.

She counted the cracks in the ground for about the billionth time.

"I'm soooooo borrrreddd" she mumbled like a little kid would. She held her clock up to her face again to see she had 30 more seconds. She counted them down, making sure to keep in time with the second hand.

She chuckled to herself about her humourous pun

When the clock finally struck 12:00, Greyson Vender's daily life of routine crashed around her.

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