Chapter 1: The Start of it All

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August 12, 2012

David and Liza met at the age of 14, when Liza was nervous about a singing audition. Liza has been singing since she was 5 years old.

David was on his way to help his grandmother, Betty who was 65. She owned the whole pavilion, so she had to be there to watch the audition. When David was on his way to a water fountain to get a drink, he bumped into a beautiful, short, dark skinned girl with dark chocolate eyes and long brown curly hair. He stopped and hesitated and stared into her eyes and smiled. David quickly steps back into reality and says, "Sorry--I--I, didn't mean to." Liza replies stuttering as well, "Its--I'm--I--I'm ok, thanks." Liza quickly runs into the girls restroom and stares at her self in the mirror trying to the thought of that tall, white, hansome guy with his beautiful dark brown eyes and long but not too long dark hair, out of her head.

Once she thinks she is ready she walks back out hoping he isn't there. And luckily, he isn't. About 20 minutes pass by and Liza still has him stuck into her head. Then, a lady walks out with a clipboard and earphones attached to hear head and asks for contestant number 420. Liza quickly walks up and that nice lady quides her up to the stage. Liza gets extremely nervous when she notices a crowd there. She didn't know there was going to be an audience. But then nervousness--turned into butterflies in her stomach when she notices that really cute guy she saw not too long ago.

So the judges asks what her name is and how old she is. She replies with "Liza and I'm 14" Liza instantly regrets saying her name cause that guy she saw who was super cute, will now know her name. And Liza didn't want to know him 'cause if she did then she knew that she would fall in love with him. She has always been afraid of love cause she didn't want to get her heart broken.

The judges then begin to ask her what song she is going to sing. She replied saying, "Skinny Love by Birdy" The judges then say "Ok, take your-" Liza interrupts saying "Wait! Can I use your piano?" The judges say "Yes, you may." Liza starts to play, and David is watching her. He is amazed, he instantly starts to get chills down his spine as Liza sings a high note. "Wow! She is a beautiful singer." He thought to himself.

Liza finishes the song, when suddenly the crowd gets up for a standing ovation. The crowd goes wild with loud whistles and tons of claps, including the guy she saw earlier. The judges gave her a 9, another 9, and a 10. To pass the audition you have to have a 20, and well--she had a 28.

Liza started walking off the stage with a huge smile on her face. She texted her mom to have her come and pick her up. When she was finished texting her, David came up behind her and said "You did amazing." Liza instantly blushes and says "Thanks." David said "No problem, you just have a very beautiful voice." Liza says "Thanks--again." David smiles and asks "What school do you go to?" Liza replys "West Side High School. I'm a freshman." David says "Really? I go there too! I'm also a freshman. Why haven't I seen you around?" Liza shrugs and says, "Probably because I'm always in the library reading ginormous books or I'm at my house doing butt loads of homework." David smiles and says "Oh--so you're a smart girl?" Liza smiles and says "Yeah, I guess." David replies "Well we should hang out sometime. What's your number?" Liza instantly starts freaking out on the inside but tries to hide it on the outside, but she gives him his number and he gives her his number. David says, "Well see you at school!" "Ok bye!" Liza says while waving back at David.

Liza gets to her house and she lays in her bed. Liza tries to get his stupid smile out of her head. "UGH! I can see how he is going to make these next four years a stupid struggle." She thinks to herself. She slowly closes her eyes and instantly falls asleep.

AN: Hello!! This is my first fanfic! I really hope you enjoy this! Heck..i dont even know if anyone is reading this.. if you are, then hello! I've been planning this for a while now. I wasn't going to post today but i was just really excitied about this fanfic. I have planning this for weeks now! Im still not finished with the book yet..but im just gonna say it now.. there are alot to look foward to. You have no idea how excited i am about this book! Please leave me your opinions for this book in the comments. I really need to know if you like this chapter. Im new at this..i dont know what to say.. anyways.. byee! 😘😘

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