1. Italian family reunion 🇮🇹

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I drive behind Starbucks to our new apartment while I listen to the song 'English love affair' by 5 seconds of summer one of my favourites might I add. But I'm not sure how much further to the house. All well singing along I hope I can finish the song, before we get there.

Starbucks starts to slow down a little after we turned a corner. She slows to a stop at the house on the end of the street. Following her actions I pull into the driveway after her. Pouting in disappointment when I notice the song hasn't finished yet.

Deciding to sit in the car and wait for it to actually finish, singing along. I only open my eyes and lose my concentration from my amazing singing and dancing when I hear Willow yell out. I look up and I finally get what she said after she enters the house running inside.

She wants to bag the best room!!

I pull my keys out of the ignition and get out of the car running towards the house, I want the best room!! And I'm going to get the best room!! Starbucks was running up the stairs at the top when I entered the house. I yell out, "I'm getting the best room!!"

I run up the stairs Willow had run up. While she goes to the left of the hall I go to the right because I have a good feeling about that side. There was only one door and I hoped it was a bedroom, opening the door I grin when I see it was a bedroom.

Walking in I observe the room, it was bigger then my room at my parents house. But it wasn't huge, which was good I see a door across the room, furrowing my eyebrows I walk over and open the door and see it was a small-ish bathroom.

It's then that I noticed a huge light grey curtain covering half of the wall which matched the creamy white walls. The curtain was to the left of me. I walk over and push it to the side and the curtain opens and I'm faced with a sliding door connected to a balcony.

Surprised I unlock the door and step onto the light brown wood, which was the same as the floorboards inside. I walk over to the banister and I grin, I can't wait to unpack!! The view is so pretty.

You know what, this is some good lighting, so because I like to take selfies a lot...even though I delete most of them after. I pull out my iPhone 6S and begin to take selfies. I take a lot of selfies but not as much as Willow, I have to say it's close though.

Taking more selfies with different faces, I'm pulled down a little as I take a photo and I nearly scream. But I only jump, not screaming because I see Starbucks behind me making an ugly face into the camera. Selfie time!

I laugh at her and we take more selfies making weird faces like we usually do when we take selfies together. Because it's better to look ugly on purpose then naturally. That's what we say anyway. After we take a few more we start to go through them, wanting to see what they look like.

We laugh at some of them when we see our faces, we can make some really weird and ugly faces when we want to. After going though them we decide we should unpack the little amount of things we brought in our cars. We still have to wait for the movers.

"Make sure you send me those!" Willow said to me as she walked to her sliding door. I chuckle at her before asking, "on snapchat? messenger? or text messages?"

Willow pretends to think and I roll my eyes at her and say, "come on we don't have all day." She laughs before finally answering, "geez can't even let a girl think! What's the world becoming? Just send them to me on messenger."

I nod and walk back into my room going on to my phone making sure my phone was connected to the internet we got yesterday. Going onto messenger I send all the pictures we took to Starbucks. Once they were all sent I put my phone into my back pocket of my skinny jeans heading out of my room.

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