Hello, we meet again.
Oh, i knew you wouldn't stay away.
How could you, after all we have been through.
I long your embrace around me,
the comfort of knowing, knowing nothing will ever go right.
Alone i always am, no human soul in site.
No not even mine.
I know you will always be there for me.
To let me rot in this hell above.
You grin at me,
a grin i must return.
Never leave me again.
Why must you come back.
The light was finally shining in.
Was only an illusion that i was out of your grasp.
Don't bring me this fearful pain,
not when i finally know what genuine happiness feels like.
Let me die alone.
Where could you have gone.
I knew it wouldn't last,
you always swallow the light whole.
But I know you will never let me down.
Even when my struggles continue to fly.
When they don't want me, you do.
You let the redness flow.
This is how it should,
You and I, my love,
together, til i bleed out on the floor.