Just Like Old Times - Chapter One

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Looking in the mirror, I didn't know what way to feel about things. Yeah, I looked nice, wearing my favourite jade green maxi skirt and black bra-like crop top, I was feeling good about how I looked, but it still didn't mean that I wasn't nervous.

"This will be our reunion party!" Kate squeeled from my bedroom, making me even more anxious than I already was, even though a part of me, deep down, was excited. 

'Our reunion party', I didn't know what way to take that. I haven't seen these guys in two years and now I was going to see them all again at a party. I still wasn't convinced whether it was a good idea or not, involving alcohol into an emotional situation isn't clever, especially with me in the equation. 

"Felicity? are you listening to me?" she asked me, poking her head around the door of my bathroom to look at me.

"Yeah, of course I am" I muttered while scrunching my hair, trying my best to add volume to it as I looked at myself in the mirror again.

"Lissie, everything is going to be okay... I promise" she states walking in and holding me by the shoulders, diverting my eyes to her as she began giving me a pep talk.

"Jesse will know exactly what he's missing when he sets his eyes on you" she spoke broadly, smiling as she leaves me standing in the middle of the bathroom.

Will he though? I mean two years is a long time, feelings do change.

Well, mine have never changed. I know that I am still and always will be so unconditionally in love with that man, which is why I can never seem to move on, no one seems to measure up to what we had when we were together. No one would ever be Jesse, and I know that no matter what, I will always be his. 

"Liss! Are you ready to go?" Kate shouted from downstairs, breaking me away from my thoughts.

Looking in the mirror one last time, I pushed up my boobs for extra cleavage, added more volume to my hair, and made sure my skirt showed the right amount of stomach. Secretly, I wanted him to want me tonight, as much as I want him, but of course I won't ever let him know that.

"Coming!" I shouted and made my way downstairs, trying to push away any thoughts about how nervous I was, instead trying to bring confident Felicity out. 

This was it, I was on my way to see the man that I had fallen in love with all those years ago, the man I haven't been able to stop thinking about. I was so looking forward to seeing all of the guys, especially Zach since we had always been so close. I missed them all.

"Taxi's outside" Kate smiled, reaching out to grab my hand.

"Well, there's no turning back now" I joked, as she gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

When we pulled up outside the house, it looked like the party had already been going on for hours, and after sharing a hip-flask of vodka in the taxi, the beat of the music was making me just want to dance. 

"Let's go!" Kate squeeled whilst linking our arms to walk towards the door of the hectic house.

Looking at the people sat outside, I didn't recognise any of them, and as soon as we were inside, the volume of the music and the smell of alcohol was overwhelming, but I liked it.

"Drink. Now" I stated, making my way to the back of the room and sitting on one of the empty seats that was situated in the corner. 

"Two gin and tonics please, handsome man" Kate winked and joked with a random guy that was pouring drinks, who smiled back at her.

"So, do we just wait now to bump into them?" I asked, looking around the room for any familiar faces while I played with the ends of my hair.

"Urm, yeah, but while we wait we can drink" she smiled at me while handing me a drink that the random guy actually ended up pouring for us.

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