My First OC

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First Name: Amber
Last name: Willows
Age: 12
Grade: 7
Looks or Face claim: Dark blonde hair meadium lengnth , brown eyes, and medium height. She typically wears flannels and jeans, and her hair in a soft hairband and and a ponytail.
Personality: Shy except when she is with her friends.She likes to sing and to fight in taekwondo. She is a klutz, can't keep a secret, and has a horrible memory. However she is a very kind person.
Family:Amber has an older sister named Audrey Willows and a mother Mary James-Willows and a father Matthew Williows
Crush(optional):Herself 😂😂😂
Backstory:Amber used to live in Hawkins in preschool and was best friends with Mike, Lucas, and Will. She recently moved back and after there parents made a reunion dinner she became good friends with the gang.

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