one ; bellas back

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O N E ; B E L L A S B A C K

"i feel like we've grown so close i might as well call you sister and i will always cherish our time spent together, and a whole lifetime ahead, because i love you like we're truly related and i refuse to ever let you go, because you've caught the kind of love from my heart only the best of family can have"


Scarlett stood outside the small airport of Port Angeles, leaning against the cruiser while she waited for her best friends plane to land

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Scarlett stood outside the small airport of Port Angeles, leaning against the cruiser while she waited for her best friends plane to land. Scarlett couldn't hold back the wide smile that was pushing its way onto her face just at the mere thought of seeing her best friend once more, the girl she hadn't seen in a couple months due to school. A week earlier Scarlett had gone with Charlie into town to pick up a few things for Bella's room, including a purple comforter, a new desk lamp and a few cute decorative items to turn the once toddler room into a room suitable for a 17 year old girl.

She crossed her ankles, her heeled boots kicking a small rock on the side walk just as an attractive older man walked by her. He visibly looked her up and down, before reaching her face where her signature smirk was in place, he smiled arrogantly and went to walk over to her before a gruff throat clearing itself besides her was heard. Charlie glared down at the man, eyeing him harshly.

"Id keep moving if I were you," Charlie barked at the man who instantly shrunk down and scurried off, Scarlett let out a small laugh at the protective man besides her. Scarletts father left when she was just a child and Billy Black, her other best friends father had taken the place as her father. But Charlie was a close second to her. Her eyes rolled over to look at the man dressed in his Forks Sheriff uniform, a raised eyebrow above her eye. "What?" he asked after seeing her amused expression, she shook her head.

"Nothing...nothing," She responded with a small smile before looking back to the exit of the airport as she continued to wait for her bests friends arrival. Charlie went back to his newspaper as he waited besides her. It was just under 20 minutes later that the familiar brunette pale girl walked out of the doors. She had earbuds in her ears and an expressionless look on her face as she headed out towards the pick up area of the port. Scarlett smile widely awaiting the moment that her best friend actually looked up to see that she was there in fact to greet her.

Bella feeling the eyes of someone watching her, she did look up seeing Charlie first she smiled softly, but when she saw the tall super model standing besides her dad her soft smile turned into a grin. There she was, Scarlett Grey leaning against the police cruiser in tight black jeans with healed thigh high black boots. She wore a white blouse with a green army jacket over her shoulders. Her hair was held back in a high pony tail, her face flawless with her lips painted red.

"Lettie?!" Bella asked shocked yanking out her earbuds, as she hurried over to her best friend that she hadnt seen in a while. She had originally wanted to surprise her upon her arrival into town, but it seemed that Charlie had told Scarlett instead and it was her that surprised Bella. The pale girl lunged into Scarletts arms, the two holding one another tightly.

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