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Mia's P.O.V

I drove for three hours. I had finally got a new lead two days ago. Someone had seen Shawn--my dad's boss--go check into a motel a few hours away. So when I found out, I got in my car and started driving. The whole way there I thought about my dad. Is he okay? What if he's hurt? How could I free him once I got to him? How can I save him? All of these questions ran through my head for the next three hours.

It was around 8 p.m when I stopped at a gas station and got a few snacks. I paid for them and walked back out to my car.

The person that saw Shawn, said that he was in Southampton, NY.

Hours Later

I had taken a small nap on the bus. I kept waking up and falling back asleep until I finally couldn't fall back asleep. I hadn't been sleeping the best ever since my dad had gone missing. All of my time and focus has been on him and trying to get him home. The bus made its final stop and I got off. I started looking around; the Hamptons is absolutely beautiful. But I can't afford to get distracted, I need to find my father.

I was getting kinda hungry so I walked into the closest restaurant I saw. The Stowaway, I like the name. I walked inside and looked around. I walked over to the bar, maybe the owner had seen Shawn.

I walked over to the bar and I am standing in front of the bartender. "Hey are you the owner?"

He smiled. "No, my parents are," he turned away from me for a second, "Hey dad."

A man--I'm assuming it's the bartender's father--walked over towards me. "Hey how can I help you?" he asked.

I take out my phone and pull up a picture of Shawn. "Have you seen this man around here?"

He looked at the picture closely. "Yeah, he's been in here a few times actually. Why are you looking for him?"

I tried to think of something fast. "He took something important from me and I just want it back."

He nodded. "Well I hope you get what you want."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"I'm Jack Porter, and the bartender over there, is my son Carl."

"It's nice to meet both of you."

"I know a person that could help you, if you want," Carl said.

I turned and looked at him. "That would be great, who is it?"

"His name is Nolan Ross."

"Wait, the computer genius Nolan Ross?"

Carl smiled. "Yeah. That Nolan Ross, here's his address," he took out a piece of paper and wrote down Nolan's address on it. He handed it to me. "There you go."

I smiled at him. "Thanks," I take the piece of paper and put it in my pocket.

He smiled back. "No problem."

I looked at Carl and then at Jack. "Thanks for the help. It really means a lot."

Jack looked at me. "You're welcome."

"Okay..well..I am going to head over to Nolan's place to see if he will help me. Wish me luck," I started walking towards the door.

"Good luck," Carl said.

I looked back over my shoulder and smiled at Carl and then walked outside. I got in my car and took out the piece of paper that had Nolan's address on it. I typed his address into my phone. About ten minutes later I pulled up into Nolan's driveway. I got out of my car and walked up to his front door. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer.

As I am about to turn around and walk back to my car, he opened the door. "Hello," he said.

"Hey um..Jack Porter said that you could help me with something."

He opened his door so that I could walk inside. I walked past him and into his house.

"So, what do you need help with?"

"My father has been kidnapped and I need your help."

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