Early Bird

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The harsh, cold wind hit whatever exposed skin there was on you like a brick. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair, whipping itself in several different directions as the wind changed courses. It was the middle of November, typically the time when snow would begin to fall, children would catch some nasty cold, and people would shop around for the nearing of Christmas. You on the other hand, were currently headed to your boyfriend, Sasori's shop, ' Marionette Madness '. You always found it ironic, considering that the store name sounded so exciting. while on the other hand Sasori was the complete opposite. During the 3 years the two of you have been in a relationship, you've noticed that the red headed male was never exactly a ' positive 'or 'outgoing ' person like yourself. Sometimes you wonder why he even wanted to date you in the first place. Maybe it's because opposites attract? Who knows.

You began to quicken your pace, feeling the chilly wind nip at your skin even more. Not much time had passed until you stood in front of the decently sized shop. Tilting your head upwards, your (e/c) eyes scanned the handwritten words on the front of the building.

" Marionette Madness." You whispered to yourself before examining the wooden puppet out on display behind the glass window. The shop sold hand-made wooden puppets, in which were all beautifully crafted by none other than Sasori himself. Ever since you had met the man, he had always had a deep passion for art, he'd always say ' art is something wonderful that's left long into the future, eternal beauty ' or something along the lines of that.

You could feel the icy cold wind hitting your form, making you colder than you already were. Deciding that you had been outside long enough, your gloved hand reached forward to twist the doorknob and open the door. Once opened, you stepped inside and quickly shut the door behind you, forbidding the winter air from entering. You slipped off you things, placing your jacket on a wooden chair set up by the wall.

As you let your body defrost itself, you wondered around the shop, examining the puppets which were hung up around the shop. You loved visiting his little shop, you found that what he did deserved to be praised. Him on the other hand, did not. Not for the reason being that he didn't enjoy having you around, but for the fact that he doesn't like you to see him while he's working. He claims that he becomes extremely miserable while at work. For you, this was hard to believe considering he was miserable when not at work too. You were deep in your thoughts until a hand was placed on your shoulder from behind. This caused you to not just jump, but squeak in surprise. Your body turned to meet who it was and met with a familiar face.


Hello! It's me, Sunshine_Locks. Super honored that you decided to read this story. This is actually not the first story I've ever written, but it is the first fan-fiction I've ever written!

I'm just not sure whether people will enjoy it or not so I will leave it up to you wonderful readers to tell me! I look forward to reading what you guys think so far. <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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