Chapter 7

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You are being rushed to the hospital in Taylors car. You are in so much pain, it hurts to breathe. Taylor is holding your hand and frantically driving through traffic, not obeying the law. Its all good though bevause Taylor installed a microphone on his car so he could tell people to move out of his way. As he is driving he yells into the microphone, things like "MOVE BITCHES MY, LIKE, WIFE I GUESS, IS IN LABOR!" People are frightened by this so they move. When you get there, you have to go to a special desk with the code word "ayy lmao." Taylor walks up to the dermatology desk and says "ayyy lmao my wife is in labor ;0." The nice doctor says "ok, come with me" and brings you to a mysterious basement designed for giving birth to vampire babies. The birth of vampire babies takes longer than normal so you are there, in serious pain, for a long time until you passout. About a month later, you wake up and see 3 beautiful vampire babies and Taylor in front of you. They are so beautiful you begin to cry. You remember how you cant have them and that makes you sad so you cry harder. Taylor comes up to you and holds your hand. You feel a spark in between your hands, because static electricity isnt abnormal in that basement, but you think it's because you were meant to be. The doctor comes over with your children and says "would you like to hold them?" You hold all of the babies at once. You are filled with so much joy at the sight of them, that you drop one and its fangs fall out.
To be continually...

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