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Hello and this is a pretty deep topic but......This goes out to everyone who is struggling with bullying (including me)
Just bc you aren't perfect doesn't mean you have to change urself. just bc some douchebag told u to.Be yourself everyone else is already taken.Who cares what u look like?What matters is the inside,Not the outside.
If anyone tell you otherwise,Tell them off for the jerks they are.If they bullying doesn't stop,Tell a parent,Teacher,Or a friend.Sometimes they get you throughout the whole thing.Trust me,Trust yourself.

Please don't resort to self harm,You have a family that loves you dearly,And doesn't want to lose you.Just bc they take away your phone,Doesn't mean they hate you,It means they want some more time to spend with you.Oneday they aren't gonna be there,And you'll wish you had more time with them.So as your reading this,Think about your family for once,Not about your electronics or Tv.You only have one live to live,Let's try to make this one count.I love you all and I'm sure your family does as well.Please don't Harm yourself just bc a stupid person said so.They are just a bunch of lowlives who have nothing better to do than to tell you that.You are perfect just they way you are and deserve to be treated better.Honestly I don't see the point of bullying when we can and will present it.I stick up for all of my friends and They do the same.I trust them in so may ways and they have always been my friends.I love everyone to death and hope they never leave or get torn apart by some stupid situation.Believe me I have gone through this Once...It wasn't good.So plz plz plz plz don't do anything to harm.Your friends/family love you to bits and pieces and Would never let u get hurt or see you get hurt.If you have any things you would like to talk to me about,Then we can chat in the comments.Let's make Wattpad a friendly environment and rid of CyberBullies.
<3 <3 <3 <3

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