Beyond Ellie

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Dear Diary,

My name is Ellie Mae Carter. I was born on the twenty second of March into an abusive family. My mother died when I was seven and my dad is an alcoholic. I bury my head into books, to get away from the harsh reality and I seem to be a school freak. No I am not a nerd but I am not the most popular girl at school. Let's just say, I would rather focus on school now and get a good education then get caught up with guys. Guys, I hate them. They always try and flirt there way into my life, but I can't stand them. In my opinion there are two types of guys, flirts and assholes, and sweet and kind ones, but those only come once in a blue moon.

When my father isn't out getting drunk, he is too into his job to actually care about me. Ms Davidson is like a mother to me, who is Laura Davidson's mom. They are practically my family and I don't know if I would even be alive if they weren't here to help me. Laura is like my sister and we have gone through hell and back together.

Today is the second week into my senior year of High School and it's going well so far. I'm happy to say that my classes are amazing and I can't wait till I get my diploma and can leave this city.

I have to go leave for school soon, but I will talk to you soon.

Ellie Mae








Ellie Mae Carter is stubborn. No, she doens't get in trouble, but she isn't one of those girls. She's always got her head into a book, and with a 4.0 gpa, we could say she's more strong headed. She doesn't fall for guys that easily. In all honesty, she just doens't know how to react when they talk to her. Ellie is the girl you would find in the library buried into one of those big thick books, but you wouldn't associate her to that. You'd think Ellie is one of the most popular girls at school, as her looks are very captivating, but she's not.

What happens when Ellie walks into a guy in the park. Could it be more than just a run in?

You'll have to find out the other side of Ellie. Beyond Ellie.

Hi guys! This is my third story and I have taken a lot of thought into this. I am the author of Broken Pieces and Hatred and I was having so many amazing ideas I thought I would share. Please give me feedback and vote! It would mean alot, thank you so much!


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