A Walk Through the Park

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It is a cold winter night in the heart of New York City. Jason is walking with his son through Central Park.  "Dad?" said Caleb, "Where do stars come from?" 

Pondering for a moment how exactly to answer his son's question Jason stopped walking and looked up to the sky. "I don't know, kid. They have been here far longer than any of us. Longer than Earth has been a planet even."

"But how did they get there?" Caleb replies, unsatisfied with his father's answer.

Jason's thoughts are interrupted by a rustling in the bushes. He looks over as he gently nudges Caleb behind him. "Who's there?" he calls, but there is no reply. 

"Maybe it was a raccoon?" Caleb interjects.

"Maybe you're right," Jason smiles and he continues his walk holding his son close to his side.

"Where are you too off to in such a hurry?" Demands a familiar voice from behind them. Jason stopped, stunned at the sound of the man speaking. "I missed you these past, how long has it been? 10 years? How've you been Jason?" Jason turns to face him and is met with a very large man. He wears a white suit and hat and carries a cane with a crystallized spider at its hilt.

"We had a deal, Mitch." Jason gritted his teeth. "You said I could leave after the last time. I don't owe you anything."

Scoffing Mitch replies "We let you go you're own way, but you never really leave the family. No one has your... expertise, Jason." A menacing smiles crosses his face. "Welcome back to the game."

"No, I'm not playing your games anymore" He turns to leave, while grabbing Caleb's hand, "Come on, Caleb" but as he turns, he's met with another familiar face.

"You remember Dog, right, Jason?" Mitch inquired. Chills traveled through Jason's spine at the sight of him. How could he ever forget, Dog, the smiling psychopath wearing trench coat who Mitch assigned head of punishment. Yes, he did remember. He remembered all the times he couldn't make payments and Dog had used him as a chew toy. He glances at his hand remembering the time Dog had bitten off his finger as a show of power.

Staring into Dog's eyes, "Yes, I remember Dog" Jason hissed. "Still loving the job?" Dog smiled in response. That same evil smile he wears when he does Jason's dirty work. He truly did love his job. "Still not talking though" Jason chuckled nervously.

Laughing, "I don't know if I've ever heard him say a word." Mitch taking a more serious tone, "We need to talk Jason. Dog, take uh, Caleb, to the van, he doesn't need to hear this."

"No! Don't!" Jason grabbed his son and pushing him out of Dog's reach. "He can hear this" Looking at his son, "He's a big boy."

"I'm not denying that" Jason reasons, "but this is more of a private matter. Dog." He motions to Caleb. Jason stands his ground between Dog and his son, knowing if he let's Dog take him it may be the last time he ever sees him.

"No, bad Dog" Jason stammers as a fist collides his face, knocking him to the ground.Opening his eyes, Jason is met with Dog breathing, inches from his face, smiling. Jason, in an attempt to get up starts to lift his head, but Dog hits him with his own and knocks Jason back to the ground.

"Don't call him a bag dog, Jason. He's a good boy. He does what I tell him, unlike you." Mitch snaps and motions towards Caleb once again. Dog snaps his teeth as close as possible to Jason's face before standing again. He grabs Caleb and starts to lead him away. Caleb looks at his father for instruction, but is met with a defeated look.

"I'll be there soon Caleb, this won't take long." He pleaded. As Caleb disappeared from sight, Jason rose to his feet. "What do you want, Mitch?"

"I want you to work for me again, Jason. I miss the old days" Mitch reminisced. "Do you remember the Chicago job? You moved that dope faster than anyone I'd ever seen." 

Jason looked away, "I left that life behind me. I've got a kid now, Mitch. I can't get back into your game, for his sake." He looked at Mitch looking for sympathy. Noticing what Jason was trying, Mitch replies,

"What happened to you, Jason? You used to be one of the best. Now look at you, you're weak. What happened to the Jason I knew? Always chasing the paychecks, always trying to make some extra."

"I left him behind when I left the crew..." Jason stood silent, waiting for Mitch to say something.

"Well that's fine and dandy, Jason, but we need a slinger and one way or another we're gonna get one" smirking at Jason. He knows damn well what Mitch means by that.

Enraged Jason yells "No! Mitch... no.. He's just a kid."

"He's just a little boy" Mitch taunts, "You started younger than he."

"I wanted a normal life for Caleb. He doesn't deserve to grow up how I did."

"Well, you can still give him a normal life." Slightly raising an eyebrow to Jason, "We just need someone to move product. Come one, just this once." 

Jason, looking at the man who caused every bit of suffering in his life, sighs. Turning his head away from the horror, "Fine, I'll do it. But give me Caleb back"

"Done" With that, Mitch holds out his hand to seal the deal. Jason looking at him in disbelief, looks down at his hand. The man is very inviting, his smile, his gestures. He is a very genuine man. Can fool even a lie detector, but Jason isn't falling for his tricks. He's known him to long, but he knows that there is no other way to ensure Caleb's safety. He extends his arm to meet Mitch's but before he even gets half way Mitch grips his hand, shakes firmly and smiles, "Then I guess we have a deal".

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