Reunion .I

304 6 13

For @kawaii_megane_lover.


I know him.

It was a bit of a hassle on the way to your aunt's. The old car had been steered into a trench, forcing you to proceed on foot. Returning home would be uncanny, for it was cities away from the shore.

No one bothered to go with you, they couldn't afford to waste time on their schedules, too tight to fit a minute of rest. Graveyards are just rotten corpses piled with dirt, a waste of time to mourn upon.

Bandits still attack passing cars at night, along with fugitives who rob all you have. The sea itself was a route much faster to go through. With a bit of luck, a car was found parked in the sand with footprints. Each one grew more clear as you shadowed them from a distance.

Till nothing but two familiar men could be seen, it was then a ride home or elsewhere seemed difficult to obtain.


He was the charm of an open neighborhood—till you moved a bit west. Though a bit quiet during group converstaion, he someone how enlightened it with just a few words. Eyes that flickered a bronze in the sun, to contrast with jet-black hair that lied on the shore.

He's full of blood...

Seven years later you've found a new life. Only seven years prior when his family died. A shame for the police who dismissed the case, quote, "Data's too vague for further investigation. All victims died." Of course that information proved false, knowing of his presence—

A corpse without ash.

Nero, the last of the Vanettis,

Their family was well known in this area of the country. Their faces attacked newspapers, magazines,billboards; everyone of them was distinct throughout the Northeast and Midwest. Trademarks on appearance made each simple to memorize in seconds. After his sister got married, they all died within weeks. By assassin or a rival, the police couldn't decide the true murder yet. 

One stood before you, a copper blonde, he knelt, feverishly sobbing. Dressed in a suit, a heater* rested well in the shadow of his knees. Sweaty palms covered his face, making all facial features a troublesome to find. Yet his tears and ugly cry escaped without fail.

"You told me that you kept me alive because,"

"Because—you wanted me to suffer all the pain you felt when I took them."

"I hope you don't mind me taking your life away since I've grown fond of you." Nero sniffed, picking himself up.


"You really were my brother."

Wiping away tears, his attention drew towards his kneecaps, brushing the prints of the sand. Eyes stained bloodshot while he forced them to bite the tragedy he'd created.

"I hope you understand."

I should leave. Its rude to watch.

The gun.

Nero might panic and try to kill me to. Or I could be taken hostage and then killed.

I'm stupid for even thinking it'd be good to astray from the city. Pretty foolish to think my driving skills would even last three open roads.

It was rested neatly, being tucked into the sand. While Nero had turnt, over shoulder where you did in fact stand.

I could ask to get a drive now...

Heater*- Old slang for gun

. . .

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