▪Best vacay▪

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........ "An extracurricular activity !?" I cringed at the horror."your school thinks that it is a good way to ingnite your creativity and give you something to occupy your time doing more .......... productive things". My mom stated. "Fine" I muffled out as I walked out I mumbled to myself "this better be the best dam vacation I've ever been on".

After that encounter I started to text

Smooth jazz: hey wat did ur mom say?

Embelievable: I can't come I hve to get an xtracurriculam😠 so I don't go for summer

Smooth jazz: sorry😮 but on the bright side you might not have to go to summer school.

Embelievable : I guess 😑

Smooth jazz:don't worry for prof. jazz is on the case and I'll help you go activity hunting 😉

Embelievable:lol 😂 see u at school

Smooth jazz: ok bye.


I set my alarm clock for tomorrow cause its gonna be a long day . I snuggle into bed and drift if into sleep.

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