Wistparri Chapter 1

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As Wisteria was walking home to her den from a long day of filming her newest video she saw Aparri walking towards her. Wisteria was thinking "what am I going to do should I run? Should I hied From him but I also loaf Julian w-what should I do". Then out of a sudden she came out of her daze. Then Aparri said "Hey Wisteria what ya up to?" U-umm nothing j-just walking home to m-my d-den. Cool can I walk with you then?said Aparri. U-umm sure. Ok. Ya said Wisteria. Ssssoooo said Aparri trying to start a conversation. How are you doing? I'm good said Wisteria you? I'm great said Aparri as he did a heroic artic  wolf pose. Wisteria giggled. Wisteria said laughing very quietly that's cute. Well here we are said Aparri your den! Thanks for walking me home said Wisteria. No problem said Aparri. As Wisteria started walking into her den Aparri started talking again H-hey Wisty c-can I tell you some thing? Sure. She said what is it? W-well ,I-I ,umm ,uh it's umm he said blushing and stuttered well,ummm,never mind! Ohh ok then said Wisteria confused and blushing at the same time. Then Aparri ran off. Wisteria said giggling he is so cute when he is like that. I got to go to bed man it's late.

                         End of part 1

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