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I have a dream

I am 23 still cultivating this tree of hopes and dreams.

I dream

taking on some undercuts, but rising up with upper cuts

for I flew like a butterfly

stung like a bee

compare me to the greatest boxer Ali.

Born and raised in the slum

where poverty door slammed

against us,

we never hungered for success

we hungered only for food into our stomachs to get access.

never used to burgers, pizzas, spaghettis

with my limited budget I felt super getting

a cup of porridge sugarless.

But all that changed when I met Sama

they showed me with my Toyota I could still a Legacy


that as I rally through life

I shouldn't be defined by my limitations but by the potential inside.

that we all need a hand lend

for even a barber can never shave himself.

I stand for Sama.

fighting poverty

Having charity, as a matter of the heart and not the pocket

Keeping the mind not set

On how big our pockets are

But on how much we can give with the less we possess,

For even in our state of being broke,

We can afford to pay attention to someone

Give hope to someone

Lend a hand to someone in need.

Let us remain of humble spirit

not envious of evil schemes

boasting not about tomorrow

but rejoicing in our hope for a better tomorrow.

At hand we have the axe

let's not complain us,

lacking firewood.

Let us be like a postage stamp, sticking to one thing till we get there

an undivided pair

peaceful, generous, warm hearted

for even in our coldest winter,

                                                       there will always be a summer source.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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