My Limit

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It had been a long day, I was exhausted by the stressful workday. I glanced in the mirror but turned away quickly. Only dropping my things on the ground, and throw myself on my bed, wanting nothing more then for this hardship to go away but sleep got to me first.

I was in a dream and I was a phoenix. My wings spread for miles, the flames trailing my path marked the sky with brilliant crimsons and sunset orange. I was free, in this world I had no limits, nothing held me back. I built grand mountains and majestic sceneries within my dream. At one point I was in the "real" world and as the phoenix I lead people to become kinder, more productive and caring for others. Everything was what I always wanted, what I would do in the true world if I had no limits.

Then out of the dark edges, shadows crept out and inched their way closer to me. I tried to get away, to fly, use my powers to stop them. I screamed to the people for help. They just stood there, watching. Their once human eyes full of life were now cold. Then some of them stepped forward, hope swarmed through my body only to be slashed away and replaced with fear.

Those that I had just lead to greatness had turned on me. Helping the shadows trap me. Crying, screaming, and trying desperately to escape only to be forced to give up. Helpless to the power of the world around me. The shadows harden around me forming a birdcage that reminded me of the world that I had only just escaped.

Then I woke with a start, panting and gasping for air. Sweat dripped down my neck as I jumped up from my bed and hurried into the restroom. after washing my face with water, the feeling of being trapped finally began to leave. Leaning on the edge of the sink I took a deep breaths then looked up into the mirror. There I was, heavy bags underneath my eyes, pale clammy skin, and stringy hair plastered to my face. Tears threaten to fall, how was I expected to make it in this world when I was so limited?

Burying my face into my hand I sobbed, thinking only of the pain and fear that I felt, and after a long time I finally calmed down. I wiped my eyes, and looked back at the mirror again only to see a sight I couldn't believe. Looking at me was a leader, a women welding confidence and determination. The person that I wanted to be. She stared at me with her phoenix eyes. I was confused by her, then I realized it was me, I already had the power within me. Closing my eyes I vowed I wouldn't let the world stop me again. I wouldn't let it get to me because I realized something. I was already limitless. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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