Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans.

Lighting flashed, bringing a split millisecond of light to the otherwise dark and gloomy atmosphere. You could hear the thunder roll, but this part of town was still dry, although covered with dark grey clouds. The Titans were in Jump City's warehouse district, on patrol after getting an anonymous lead. They had split up, each going a different direction. It might have been nothing, but then again, it could be the big break they were looking for, an advantage in their fight with their newest and most powerful villain yet.

Beast Boy turned the corner, still going in his general designated direction, and then stopped in his tracks. About fifty feet away, he could just see the outline of a figure.

The figure was wearing a cloak, black as night and surrounded in shadows. You probably wouldn't even see it unless you knew what you were looking for. The figure was outside a door, just standing there, as if waiting for something to happen. Despite the complete lack of descriptive features, Beast Boy knew who it was. The mysterious villain who had been seen at every crime scene in the last month. Their identity and even gender was unknown, and nothing could be found out about them, but the titans were sure that it was the person behind this, and its allusive ability was proving quite a hardship.

The crime rate was up, and the titans weren't too happy about that. They'd keep getting calls about a break-in, or a robbery, and by the time they got there, everything was gone, including all incriminating evidence. The only lead they had was the dark cloaked figure they could sometimes see leaving as soon as they arrived. It was frustrating and the remaining titans were starting to catch some serious flak.

Then, suddenly, the door exploded. The figure was pushed back a bit, the sudden blast of light highlighting a strip of its face. A split second of pale skin, that's all he had to go by. The warehouse's alarm went off and the figure rushed inside. Beast Boy didn't bother calling for backup, their communicators would have alerted them as soon as the alarm was triggered. Right now, Beast Boy was focused on following the cloaked figure, not letting it out of his sight.

Beast Boy sprinted in through the scorched doorway after the assumed villain, trying to keep quiet while also keeping up. The figure continued running weaving purposely between the various crates and boxes stacked high in the giant room. It seemed as if it knew exactly where it was going, something he'd store in his mind for later use.

The figure turned another corner, and Beast Boy followed. Only, when he looked around, he couldn't find the cloaked person anywhere. That was bad, really bad. Had it sensed that he was following it? Had he simply lost sight of the figure? What was it doing now? What was it after? Had it gotten away? Frustrated, he kicked the air. Despite the alarm, he could hear the rest of the team approaching the building. He had to find the figure again, and quick. He kept going forward, trying to head in the same general direction he thought the figure's target.

After a bit he came to an empty spot and stopped. Ten bucks said there was supposed to be a bunch of crates inside the worn outline on the ground. He looked around quickly, but came up with nothing. The alarm was still going, and Beast Boy could faintly hear Robin shout "Titans, split up!" again in the distance. He was so tired of missing out in all the action, just showing up in time for everything to be over, leaving him discontented and confused.

He morphed into a bird and flew directly up, maybe his teammates would see him and come to help. In the mean time, he tried looking for the cloaked figure. He slowly turned in a circle, then something caught the corner of his eye. Looking in that direction, he saw the corner of a piece of fabric run through a door. Immediately he dove, flying towards the door as fast as he could.

Once through the door he turned a sharp right, the direction he thought he had seen the figure go. He was still flying at top speed, and after a few seconds, ran into something he hadn't seen.

In his shock, Beast Boy was morphed back to his human form. He could feel a female form under him, which quickly scrambled up and ran away. Beast Boy lay there stunned for a moment, and after a few minutes the rest of the team showed up.

"Beast Boy, what happened?" Robin asked. Beast Boy still lay on the ground, staring dazedly off in the direction in which the figure had gone.

"I think, I saw our villain." He said, still staring with his eyes glazed over.

"What happened? Did you find anything? Which way did he go?" Robin said in a rushed voice, although it was too late, the figure would be long gone.

"It got away. And I'll tell you one thing, it definitely wasn't a he."

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