Chelsea Grin

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A mother and her daughter were driving down a long, narrow road that seemed to be going to nowhere. The mother looked in her mirror to see her daughter, still looking down and sniffling. The mother let out a sigh and looked at the road. She was rather a beautiful woman. Yes, beauty definitely was in her, but her eyes held in hurt and sadness. Her fluffy hair ran down to the end of her rib cage and mascarra leaked from her eyes a she let a few tears escape. The daughter recognized as Chelsea, was weeping. Who would blame her? She was diagnosed with schitzophramia, she just went to her brothers's funeral, and her father is abusive. After a few more miniutes, They arrived in a small neighborhood surrounded by a dense forest. Turning into the driveway, Chelsea's overwieght, hairy, smoking father was standing out. In one word; her father was grotesque. 

Chelsea and her mother got out of the car and began walking along the narrow driveway. They both suddenly got bombarded by Steven's, Chelsea's father, 'rage of twenty-one questions'. 

"Finally, y'all are back! What took y'all so long?" Steve asked.

"Dad, it was funeral. You know? Something to say as a last goodbye?" Chelsea  

"ARE YOU BACK TALKING ME?!?!" Steven yelled, back handing Chelsea mercilessly, "Ugh, whatever. All I have to do now is put up with you women. Joy... At least that good for nothing, bastard of a son is out." 

At that, Steven stompped away into the house. Chelsea stayed on the ground and only when he left did she begin to sob. Cassidy, Chelsea's mother, bent down and helped her daughter stand before pulling her in for a comforting, warm hug. 

"Shhhh... Jordan wasn't a bad person. I know you already know that, I'm just reassuring you." 

"Mommy, I don't understand. Why does this happen to us?" Chelsea sobbed. 

"I don't know, sweety. Just remember, keep on smiling," Cassidy smiled warmly to her daughter, though she still kept guilt and sadness in her eyes, "Now, go inside and wash up. I'll bring you something to eat in your room." 

Cassidy kissed the top of Chelsea's head and urged her to go in the house. When Chelsea walked in, she noticed that Steven had his back turned to her, and she darted up the stairs, making as little noise as possible. 

When Chelsea had gotten to her room, she went to her window, thinking she had seen something in her peripheral vission. Sure enough, she saw a man running in the woods with a silver camera. What fascinated her the most was how... Mysterious he was. The man had a gold-brown letterman's jacket, gloves, and a strange, feminine mask with black eyes and lips. She quickly opened the window only to be attacked by a piece of paper that had odd drawings on it. She examined the paper to see that it had scratchy trees drawn on it. The fact that the tree in the middle wasn't a tree, scared her. It was a man, no face, suit, tie, and as tall as the other drawn trees. She quickly discard the paper in her drawer and was startled when she heard a light knock at her door. 

"C-Come in," Chelsea said quietly, "Just leave it on the desk, mom." 

Chelsea's mother had nodded and went back out in seconds before Chelsea could say anything else. Chelsea sighed and walked to the bowl. She had just merely glanced over at a sewing needle and thread and something unfimiliar erupted in her. 

She went to her drawer, desperate to find something. What she had pulled out though, was a pocket knife her brother had given to her as a birthday present. She looked into the wall mirror and slowly, brought the knife to her face. Cassidy had walked back into Chelsea's room and heard a tearing of some sort. She saw her daughter, knife in hand, make another, long, deep cut in her cheek. Chelsea was now smiling, giggling, and lived up to her name; Chelsea Crimson Grin. 

"Chelsea?!" Cassidy screamed in fright. 

"Hello, mommy. You did tell me to smile more, correct? Ah, yes, I do remember you saying that..." Chelsea replied calmly.  

"What the hell is that?" Cassidy screamed and stumbled back, letting out a blood curdling scream. Chelsea calmly walked over to the needle and thread, walked back to the mirror, and began sewing half of her smile, ignoring her mother's attempt to get away from whatever was attacking her, hearing a hacking sound. Little did she know, her mother's attacker wasn't the normal. Chelsea turned around, only to be greeted by a boy her age. A strange one at that. One in which, had gloves, a mouth guard, a hooded vest, long sleeve shirt, and odd goggles. They stood there, starring at each other intensely. Chelsea noticed his constant twitching and tics, and began to get rather interested in them when suddenly, he bolted out the window, hatchets in hand, and off to the woods like the other man did. She snapped out of her daze and ran to the mirror, getting a pained sensation in her cheeks. She finally had seen what she'd done to her self. 

So had her father. He Had been watching the whole time. Every stitch, every hack to Cassidy, the starring contest with the two teens, everything. Chelsea turned to her father, and cocked her head to the side, giggling miniacly. 

"Ya know, daddy, you should smile a little more..." Chelsea began laughing louder, and walking to her father with heavy steps. Finally, she lunged at him, knife in hand, and slit his throat before slicing the same, malicious smile into him.  

Chelsea grabbed the sewing needle, stool of thread, and knife, then made a b-line for the kitchen. Turning all of the knobs on the stove, only to where the gas was on, she looked through a cupboard of miscellaneous object befor finding a lighter. She walked to the door, giggling, turned the lighter on, and threw it in the house. 

Walking out in the forest, she walked up to a tall man. She didn't know he was dangerous. After all, he had said to stay with him. He held her hand, walking down a narrow path made by trees, and began being followed by the same man with the camera, the boy with the tics, and a new man with an orange hoodie, gloves, and a mask with a stitched frown. 

"Welcome to your new home, Chelsea Grin." the faceless, tall man said somehow.

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