If I told you your future, would you change your ways? Would you still be... you?
That was my petty excuse for a John-Sterling. Me... my name is Lily John-Sterling, sixth daughter of Sir Robert John-Sterling, twin to Richard John-Sterling, last of the John-Sterling family and the last keeper of the scrolls. The scronters have been after the scrolls since the time of my great great great great great great great great aunt's great grandfather created the power of "la ' lonatrivieracortezdefamilliaetcommandolechienetmeputa". In other words, the commandments of the ones who came before. Our planet is rarely alive as we ave been stuck here for the past 2 millennia. It is our punishment for our knowledge and our salvation for our safety.
According to the basic book of history, our clan landed here in the 22nd century[ AC], in the 9th year of the 9th decade on the first day of the 12th month making the date 1st December, 2199. I wonder what kind of clothes they wore back then... I bet it would be more fashionable than what we wore. Our number at the time, according to calculating thorque; 12 people[with 2 parents included] + the 10 partners of the kids who had 10 kids each=122 people + the 100 partners of the kids who had 10 kids each resulting in 1222 John-Sterling's on one ship.
My number made me irrelevant to the clan until the scrolls chose me. I, at the age of 1 month and 13 days old got my mother ' erased'. Raymond[8 turned 7] told me that she worked in the trash erasing company when the nurse told her, during regular checkup day- once a Lola year- that she was pregnant with her 11th, me. She birthed me on the bare ground(a sign of bad luck) and ran home. Just before the JSPD arrived, she told 7, 8, 9 and 10 to protect me until I could read, write, talk and walk.
Days past and I was reading through the scrolls and noticed something peculiar, something about these people called the others. They are the ones that we didn't bring along. They are the rest of the family!