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David's pov
"Mr. Bowie you're on ten," my manager knocked in my door as I let out a soft sigh and reach for the pack of cigarettes that sit beside me on the table.

"I'll be right out," I reply taking a deep breath as I stared into the mirror; he shut the door. I lit a cigarette and smoked for a few minutes before extinguishing it in the ash tray, the smashed stick still smoked slightly as I opened the cracked door and walked out onto stage.

"Hello everyone," I smile as the music starts playing behind me.

3rd pov
"Could that human be him?" A small creature questioned in another building, another dimension even.

"Oh come on Haggle-"

"It's Hoggle!" the dwarf stomped his foot in annoyance.

"That's what I said --anyways that couldn't be the king," the Goblin frowned as they watched the human perform on stage in front of other humans, "plus he wouldn't hang around such pitiful creatures."

"Sarah wasn't pitiful," Hoggle frowned.

"But she made the king disappear and once he did the Labyrinth was ruined! And you. Helped. Her," he jabbed Hoggle in the chest after every word.

"That was Jareth's own fault!" Hoggle flung his hands into the air, "He's the one who fell head over heels for her!"

"Don't speak about our king like that!" The Goblin snapped and Hoggle flinched away, "And that filthy human is not Jareth! And you will help me find the real king or I will have you thrown into the bog of eternal stench!"

"I think I found him," Hoggle mumbled.

"What did you say?" His accomplice growled.

"Nothing Hex just... nothing," Hoggle smirked, "I must be going anyway."

"Traitor," Hex mumbled as the door shut behind, "Hoggle, that human, and the king will all pay."

David's pov
"Thank you everyone," I smiled as my set ended and walked off stage and into the dressing room. Sitting on the little table, next to the ash try, lay a small box. Out of curiosity I shuffle over to it and look at the small gold ribbon tied to it. It read:

To: Mr. Bowie

I just shrug and tug at the ribbon, which easily slid undone, and pulled off the top to reveal a crystal ball of some sorts. It showed my reflection perfectly just like a mirror. I reached out to touch it but when my fingers touched the cold, smooth, even perfect surface I jerked back as a shock ran through my body. I stood there for a few seconds like a deer in the headlights not knowing what happened. Did it just shock me?

No. It couldn't have, it's just glass. Nothing more nothing less.

After another minute I slowly reach towards the ball once more, I don't feel anything except cold when I touch it once more, so I pick it up and turn it in my hands. For some reason it made me smile, just staring at it in my hand.

"What a lovely gift," I chuckle tossing it up in the air and catching it. I grabbed a cigarette from my pack and lit it before walking out of the dressing room.

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