First Day

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     Ah, first day of school, catching up with friends, people kissing and crowds of people pushing. I was late and was preparing myself to what it would be as soon as I walked in. As I opened the doors something was off, I heard people laughing.. During our first day back, doesn't add up. I searched for what the laughter could possibly be about. Two, attractive, two  seniors being pushed and poked at. I was too late and kind of just ignored it. As I'm trying  to get myself passed the crowd of laughter the bell rings and next second I'm on the floor. Someone had pushed me and my stuff went flying, from the speed I was walking. Trying to take in what just happened making sure I was okay, people fled to their classes. In a matter of two minutes my stuff on the floor disapared and two figures stood in front of me with books wrapped in their arms. I look up with my hand on my head and see the two twins. Smiles across their faces and an arm reached out for me by the twin with blonde streaks in his hair. I accept and faked a smile back.

"Didn't you guys see me their?" I say rolling my eyes and fixing my hair.

"Oh... um.. sorry w-we didn't mean for you to trip and fall. We got pushed ourselves." Says the other twin with pink streaks in his hair.

"We aren't really that welcomed here.." says the blonde streaked hair one handing my stuff back.

I furrowed my eyebrows but brushed it off and looked through my things looking to see if I had everything.

"Well I'm Grayson Dolan", says the blonde streaked hair one.

"And I'm Ethan Dolan", says the pink streaked hair one.

I looked up to see who introduced who. Grayson had a kind smile on his face and Ethan looked directly into my eyes and half smirked. My heart started to beat faster. That's never happened when meeting someone or especially a guy. Damn, I hated and loved the feeling I was having right now.

We didn't break eye contact until Gray gave us a confused expression and said to me "you are?"

"Oh, Veronica."

"That's a beautiful name, Veronica."

I could still feel his stare on me until his brother started to drag him to class. I pulled onto Grayson's arm and said "why don't we ditch this period? We're late anyways." I need to find out more about these twins. They both struggled their shoulders and said "sounds good" at the same time which made me laugh a bit. We headed for the exit, towards the parking lot and I think to myself... this is going to be interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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