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"I want you out. Right now."

Her voice wobbled and tears slipped from her eyes, but they were tears of anger, not sadness.

I lifted my chin up and felt my hair brush against my face as it fell back.


I grabbed my still packed duffle bag, and walked to the front door, yanking the doorknob before leaving her behind. I couldn't help but feel heated, like there was still more I wanted to say, but couldn't. I wanted to make it more personal; to tell her how I felt all those years ago when she made me feel all the negative feelings that I did.

It was a little after midnight, and I had no car, or any place to stay for that matter. I dug my phone out of my pocket and dialed my brother's number.

"Lennie? I don't know what to do. Betty just kicked me out and I don't have anywhere to stay right now and I'm outside her apartment and it's late and-" I couldn't stop running my mouth.

My brother cuts me off with his soothing tones.

"Dessa? It's okay. I have a friend who lives near you, I'll ask him to do me a favor and let you stay at his place. It'll be fine. I'm sure you and Betty will work things out." This wasn't the first time we went up in flames.

I take in a quivering breath and nod my head, before replying verbally.

"Okay. Thank you, Len."

He tells me to wait while he calls up his friend before hanging up. I move off of the porch and walk down the driveway until I meet the sidewalk, then I sit on the curb with my duffle in my lap. It was undeniably warm outside, the summer night breeze ruffling my newfound short hair. I tucked a strand behind my ear, only for it to fall forward and tickle my cheek when I bent my head low. It was an impulse cut, one that I spent an hour in the bathroom perfecting and evening out. I had half a mind to cut my bangs after the altercation with Betty. My phone buzzed in my hand with a text.

ray will be there in 20 min

A breath I wasn't aware I had been holding on to, was released from my lungs and I felt my shoulders sag, relieved of having the pressure of the question 'where am I going to sleep tonight?' resolved.  I leaned forward and folded over, letting my chest hit my knees as I wrapped my arms underneath my jean clad thighs. I felt my eyes close for a second as I focused on my breathing, the rustle of the trees and the sound of crickets chirping into the late night air. I focused my hearing on the sounds of my environment, and I tensed when I heard footsteps behind me. I stretched and casually turned my neck to catch a glimpse of whoever was behind me, relieved to see it was only a woman in sweats with a brown paper bag in her arms. I resumed my previous position and closed my eyes again, making sure to stay aware of any changes.

It couldn't have been more than ten minutes later when a sleek, black Jeep, probably a newer model, pulled up to the curb, narrowly missing my feet. The blacked out window rolled down and the driver called out my name.

"Dessa?" A low voice called out. I looked at the driver and noticed his cropped, wavy dark hair first. Then his dark eyes. Then his tan skin and the natural frown on his full lips.

"Ray." He nodded and I stood, brushing off the back of my jeans. I walk around to the passenger side of the Jeep and climb in, tossing my bag at my feet before pulling the seat belt across my chest. He glances at me for a second before the vehicle rumbles lowly and we start down the road. There seemed to be an unspoken agreement that we didn't need to talk, but the air was filled with a silence that felt a little stifling. Apparently, Ray felt it too because he lowered the windows and turned up the radio just the slightest bit. Now, the Jeep was filled with the sound of whipping wind and a low murmur of music in the background. I let my short hair get tossed around by the wind, and I suddenly felt so tired, that I was tempted to fall asleep in my seat. But I refrained, because if I had to wake up a sleeping stranger to get them out of my car, I would not know which way to approach them.

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