1st lesson

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It is the middle of the day your not to old yet to even consider life. You wake one morning on your birthday realizing  that it is the day you become an official teenager. Your also excited because you think that you get do what ever it is when your a teenager. Well you thought wrong. It is the complete opposite of what you think it is. When you get out of the house thinking that well everyone is going to treat me different but it doesn't work for you that way and you wonder why.  It's because your not an legal adult yet. I mean yeah you get to go out more with friends and stay up later cause your older but that doesn't change how you are treated. But you think so. So you go outside and you meet up with your friends and hang with them all day cause its your birthday and why not. You still have that same time you must be home. You thought differently though. So you stay out later thinking that there is no consequence when you get home. You get home to see your parents right in front of the door with a disappointed look on there face because your late. You get grounded and also lectured. Now wasn't that a fun thing. Have you learned your lesson? Well we hope so.

authors notes: sorry if this doesn't make any sense at all. I got super bored. Also I'm a terrible writer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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