Blackfang's Secret By Ginger with help from Trinity, Harlow, Helen, and Kelsea.

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I wonder where Windstar, Darkpelt , Timberpelt, and Frostleaf are? Maybe I can smell them.  "Snowheart!"  said Windstar.     "Yes Windstar?" I asked.      " I need you and Darkpelt to go on patrol." replied Windstar.   I started to pad over to Darkpelt who was standing by the entrance.   "Where do you think your going, Snowheart?"  Oh no! Blackfang!  I thought to myself. " Windstar told me and Darkpelt to go on patrol." I answered, my fur standing on edge. Sitting there, looking at Blackfang reminded me of an earlier memory. As I walked into the nursery to check on Brightwing because she had just had her newborn kits half a moon ago I ducked behind the bramble. Why was Blackfang there? I had thought to myself.  Then I saw him towering over three young kits. They looked as if they had been killed by a warrior blow to the head. Oh no! I thought to myself. Blackfang had blood on his paws!  I shook my head to get the awful memory out of my head.     " What's wrong?" Blackfang asked me with a hint of suspicion in his voice. Does he know I saw him after he killed the kits? I thought to myself.            " Nothing" I replied. I padded to the entrence before Blackfang could say anymore.    "Hey Snowheart, something's bothering you. I can tell."  mewed Darkpelt.    "Nothing's bothering me, Darkpelt!" I snapped.    "Okay, if you say so." meowed Darkpelt. Darkpelt and I walked in silence for a moment.   "Im sorry I snapped at you, Darkpelt. You're right. Something is bothering me." I mewed. Darkpelt stopped in the middle of the trail.   "What is it? You can tell me anything." Darkpelt purred. I sighed.   " Half a moon ago I saw Blackfang in the nursery." I meowed.   "What was he doing in there?" Darkpelt interupted. I looked at him for a moment.   "Sorry! Keep going." Meowed Darkpelt.   "He was standing over three young kits. He had blood on his paws. The kits were dead." Darkpelt laughed then saw that I was being serious.   "Sorry. Blackfang wouldn't do that. He just wouldn't." Darkpelt mewed and started walking again.   "See! This is why I dont tell you this stuff!" I snapped.   "Lets just patrol the area." grunted Darkpelt.   "Lets do that!" I snorted. As we were walking back to camp I saw Blackfang and Sharptalon talking. "Wait, Darkpelt!" I whispered.  "Come here and hide in the grass patch right here!"   "Ok. Wait, why?" Darkpelt mewed.   "Just do it!" I hissed  "Listen to Blackfang and Sharptalon."    "Sharptalon, this is our plan. I killed the three young kits because there mother was having suspicion that I wasn't to be trusted. I want to get the position as medicine cat and start rumors to Shadowclan that Windclan is planning to attack. They during the battle Windstar, will get injured and I will give her the berries called Deathberries and she will get very ill and die, leaving me to become leader." Sharptalon wanted to say something but I could tell he was afraid.   "Come on, Snowheart. Lets get out of here!" whimpered Darkpelt. Darkpelt's fur was standing on edge. She was scared. We sprited back to camp.        "Windstar!" I yowled. Darkstripe and I padded up to her den.   "Snowheart. Darkpelt. Can it wait? I am about to announce who will be going to the Gathering with me tomarrow night!" Windstar mewed gently. Windstar padded and hopped up onto the Highrock. "Attention all Windclan cats!" yowled Windstar "The cats going to the Gathering with me tomarrow night are Darkpelt, Snowheart, Frostleaf, Timberpelt, Deadfoot, and Blackfang. After the Gathering I will be choosing the new medicine cat since Leafpool's death"  Darkpelt, Frostleaf, and Timberpelt cheered. I just glared at Blackfang. Why would she choose Blackfang? Blackfang glanced at me then I looked away. "That is all." meowed Windstar then hopped off of Highrock.    "Windstar!" I yowled while padding after Windstar.   "Yes Snowheart?" Windstar replied.   "May we talk in your den?" I asked. "Yes." replied Windstar padding into her den.   "Sit make yourself at home!" purred Windstar. Her eyes darkened as she saw my expression.   "What has happened?" she mewed.    "I overheard Blackfang and Sharptalon talking on my way back from patrol. They said something terrible" I mewed, my fur prickling with fright.    "Tell me what they said, Snowheart." Windstar meowed sternly.    "Blackfang said he killed the three young kits half a moon ago, he is planning to become medicine cat to poison you so he can become leader of Windclan!" I meowed a little to loudly. "My name was mentioned?" mewed Blackfang. My fur prickled with fright and I jumped.    "Blackfang we need to talk." mewed Windstar, sternly. Windstar followed Blackfang out. I could hear their muffled voices. Windstar told Blackfang my suspicions but left my name out of it. Blackfang denied every word Windstar said.    "I have done nothing of the sort!" snorted Blackfang.    "Very well" Windstar replied.        "Blackfang, go help the apprentices hunt." ordered Windstar. Blackfang nodded.  "Snowheart," Windstar mewed "Blackfang denied all of your suspicions, are you sure it was Blackfang you heard?"   "Yes! I am completely sure." I mewed unable to hide my anger.  "I will keep a close eye on him." Windstar meowed.  "Thank you, Windstar." replied Snowheart.              The next day Blackfang wasn't in camp. Did he go to spread the rumors to Shadowclan? I decided to calm myself.  Blackfang came back to camp after a while with a hint of triumph in his eyes. I padded over to the fresh-kill pile. I was starving! I chose a nice and plump mouse. I also got Darkpelt a chaffinch. I carried the chaffinch and mouse in my jaws and padded over to the warrior's den. I dropped the chaffinch on Darkpelt's bed and I could tell she was hungry. I bit into my mouse. I kept biting until I finished it. I licked the remains from my lips. " Hey Snowheart." meowed Frostleaf and Timberpelt in unision.    "You guys eat already?" I asked.   "Nope." answered Frostleaf.    "I did!" replied Timberpelt.  I padded over to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed the biggest vole I could find. I ran back over to Frostleaf and dropped it at her paws.    "There!" I mewed "Eat up!"  I could hear Frostleaf crunching the vole.     "All cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather over here!" yowled Windstar.     "Come on guys!" mewed Timberpelt.    "Coming!" we all mewed back.     " I have some very exciting news. Four kits are ready to recieve their apprentice names and mentors!  First, Gingerkit please stand." A small she-cat with green eyes and ginger fur stood up. "From now and until you get your warrior name you shall be known as Gingerpaw and your mentor shall be Snowheart." I stood and trotted over to Gingerpaw. "Next, can Vinekit please stand up." A young she-cat with a  light brown pelt and bright green eyes stood. "From now and until you get your warrior name you shall be known as Vinepaw and your mentor will be Darkpelt" Darkpelt stood and padded over to Vinepaw. "Next, Stonekit please stand. " A young tom with a gray pelt stood. "From and now until you get your warrior name you will be known as Stonepaw and your mentor will be Timberpelt." Timberpelt stood and trotted over to Stonepaw. "Finally,  Leafkit please stand." A young tom with a dark brown pelt and green eyes stood. "From now and  until you get your warrior name you will be known as Leafpaw and your mentor will be Frostleaf." Frostleaf stood up and padded up to Leafpaw.  "You will each train in pairs. Frostleaf and Leafpaw will be training with Timberpelt and Stonepaw. Stoneheart and Gingerpaw will be training with Darkpelt and Vinepaw."  I padded over to meet Frostleaf, Leafpaw, Timberpelt, Stonepaw, Darkpelt, and Vinepaw. I turned around to see Gingerpaw looking at me with her head cocked to one side in confusion.    "Come on, Gingerpaw!" I mewed.  Gingerpaw padded after me. "Hi guys!" I mewed still excited about my first apprentice. "It's time to train. Let's go to sandy hollow, ok?" Gingerpaw and Vinepaw mewed in agreement. Then Darkpelt nodded slowly. I leaned over and whispered into Darkpelts ear," Can we show them hunting today?" Darkpelt nodded. " Today Darkpelt and I will be showing you hunting strategies for a mouse. First, make sure you remember that a rabbit hears you and a mouse feels you." Gingerpaw rolls her eyes.      "When do we acually get to hunt!" she exclaimed.   "I will show you how first, Gingerpaw. Be patient." I crouched into stalking position, creeped toward a garden mouse with light pawsteps,and pounced! I caught the mouse between my paws and finished it off then buiried it.   "Why'd ya bury it?" questioned Gingerpaw.   "So we can get it later." I replied.    "Oh." she mewed. Vinepaw came padding to us. "Where were you?" asked Gingerpaw. Vinepaw dropped two voles from her jaws then sprinted the other way. Darkpelt and I stood there astonished as Vinepaw brought back a plump rabbit, three garden mice, two more voles, and one chaffinch. Darkpelt and I were speechless.   "Your turn, Gingerpaw." I managed to meow. Gingerpaw padded away, obviously envy of her sister's triumph. When Gingerpaw came back she had five garden mice, two plump rabbits, and one sparrow.    "That's all for hunting." Darkpelt barely mewed. Darkpelt and I ran into Frostleaf and Timberpelt on our way back to camp.     "How'd everything go?" asked Timberpelt. Frostleaf stared at the fresh-kill hanging from our jaws.     "Did they catch that themselves?" Frostleaf exclaimed.   "Yep!" Gingerpaw and Vinepaw mewoed in unison unable to hide their pride. All eight of us padded into camp. We dropped the fresh-kill onto the pile and I chose a plump rabbit to bring back to my den. As I ate my fresh-kill, Frostleaf came and sat next to me with her sparrow. We ate in silence for a moments.    "Frostleaf, may I tell you something?" I stammered.      "Of course." replied Frostleaf.    "I heard Blackfang-" I started.     "I heard my name?" hissed Blackfang.    "Oh um, I was uh, saying that your an awesome warrior." I stammered.   "Ok." replied Blackfang, with a hint of suspicion.  Blackfang sat down on the far side of the warrior's den. Frostleaf and I had just finished our fresh-kill when Windstar yowled for us. Time for the Gathering.   I thought.    "Every cat old enough to catch their own prey gather please." Windstar yowled. "Darkpelt, Frostleaf, Timberpelt, Blackfang, Deadfoot, and Snowheart please get ready. We will be leaving for the Gathering soon." I ate a small mouse to hold me over at the Gathering. I gulped up my mouse and licked the remains from my lips. We walked through the forest. When we arrived at the Gathering every Clan but Shadowclan was there.  I got a terrible feeling. I heard an ear-piercing yowl coming from the direction of our camp.    "Windstar," I started.    "I will go with you to check on the camp, Snowheart." Windstar interupted. I nodded.   "Deadfoot make sure it doesn't start without Snowheart and I." Deadfoot nodded. Windstar and I sprinted right to the camp. "Oh no!" exclaimed Windstar. Shadowclan was attacking Windclan!  "Blackfang!" Windstar yowled behind us. Blackfang sprinted up behind me.   "Oh no!" he mewed. Triumph gleamed in his eyes.He hid it very well but I could still tell this attack made him very happy. All three of us ran into battle, I leaped onto a white tom with jet black feet. He threw me off and I hit the ground, hard. I looked over to see Windstar fighting Nightstar only to be flung against the wall. I thought she would get back up and tackle him. She layed there, motionless. I olny saw her sides rise and fall as she breathed. Blinded by anger, I leaped onto Nightstar and bit him on the leg hard enough to tell him "get out of here and take the other Shadowclan cats with you," without having to say anything. I padded to Windstar's side and shook her gently.   "Windstar, Windstar?" I whispered.    "Im okay." she replied gently. "Tell Blackfang he is the new medicine cat." Blackfang came from behind me. He must have heard himself.    "Eat these. They will replenish your health." he said with a evil look in his eyes.     "Sniff them first!" I blurted. Blackfang glared at me. Windstar sniffed the berries then her eyes widened with shock.   "Deathberries!" she hissed. "You tried to poison me!" she snapped. I tackled Blackfang and pinned him to the ground. Windstar got to her feet. " Blackfang, you are now banished from Winclan for trying to poison your leader. " She bit him on the leg as a warning. On his way out, he saw the clan deputy, Goldenwing, and killed her out of anger. "Goldenwing!" Windstar yowled. Windstar and I sprinted to her side. She wasn't breathing. I shared tounges with her one last time.  " Now that there is no deputy or medicine cat, I will have to choose another. Ivyeye, can you be medicine cat?" Ivyeye nodded. "Now, Snowheart, you tried to warn me from Blackfang and I did not listen. In reward for that will, you be my new deputy?" I nodded. Darkpelt, Timberpelt, and Frostleaf cheered for me. One thing remained in my mind. Goldenwing was not only the clan deputy, she was my mother and because of Blackfang she was gone.       

                                                            *I don't own Warrior cats*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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Blackfang's Secret By Ginger with help from Trinity, Harlow, Helen, and Kelsea.Where stories live. Discover now