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Kahlani's P.O.V

"Why you guys all of a sudden acting like that, huh." I said pacing back and forth in frustration

"Acting like what Samira." Said my Mother angrier than I had ever seen her before

"Like you give a damn about me!"

"I'm your Mother Samira. Why the hell wouldn't I care about you."

"Because you don't and you never did until, you found out I was messing with August."

"Samira the boy is a junior in High school and a drug dealer! Why wouldn't I be on your fucking tail about something like that. Do you not understand the dangers of running the streets with this little ass boy. You'll be lucky if you don't end up dead!"

"God you act like I'm seeking a future of selling drugs with him."

"Dammit Samira don't you dare bring God into this. All I said was I don't want to see you my only daughter get hurt messing with some no future bum ass boy!"

"But, I love him. I love August mom he means the whole world to me and I don't care what lifestyle he chooses to live I'm going to accept him for who he is." I said beginning to shed tears

"Don't you dare start that crying Samira your Mom is right about January, April, May or whatever the hell the little boys name is has nothing good coming his way and with you being with him is just bringing the mess towards you and we sure as hell don't wanna see our only child dead at 16." Said my Father trying to keep calm being becoming frustrated by the minute

"Just stop with all the fucking lying you know Damn well you don't care about what happens to me. The only thing you care about is your damn reputation as preacher's."


My mother's hand went across my face leaving an intense burning sensation. Which had just made me angrier than ever. I looked up at her with a malicious smirk on my face as I inhaled and exhaled harder than a bull in heat.

"I fucking hate you both. All you know how to do is ruin my life fucking preach!"

With my final words I ran out of the house having no hesitation to turn back at all. I didn't care what anyone said or thought about me I was going to be with August one way or another.


Author's Note: This is my first book I've ever written on wattpad so I apologize for any mistakes or boredom. I'll try my best to update regularly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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